DC Database
Ambush Bug 07
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This is an in-universe article with out-of-universe material.

This article covers information about something that exists within the DC Universe, and should not contain out-of-universe material. Please remove all out-of-universe material, or include it in a separate section at the bottom of the article. And take off that silly costume.

A 196,833 dimensional object not unlike a snowflake embedded within the higher dimensional fluid medium of the Bleed, this was the former home of the DC Multiverse's Earth-50. Capable of being traveled through via Carrier, this Multiverse is to a certain extent self-

The Wildstorm Multiverse was a multiverse centered around the Wildstorm Universe.


A 196,833 dimensional object not unlike a snowflake[1] embedded within the higher dimensional fluid medium of the Bleed,[2] this was the former home of the DC Multiverse's Earth-50. Capable of being traveled through via Carrier,[3] this Multiverse is to a certain extent self-policing, arranging the births of the likes of the Century Babies to defend it.[4]

Points of Interest


  • Many of the worlds of the Wildstorm Multiverse notably parallel that of the main DC Universe: numerous individuals are similar to the likes of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman, both in the form of entities embodying similar archetypes such as Apollo and The Midnighter, and exact counterparts such as the various Batmen encountered by the Planetary team. Also, the Snowflake endured a "partial Multiversal collapse" in 1986 resulting in several worlds being folded into a single dimension, similarly to the events of the Crisis on Infinite Earths, though a third of the population did not survive this event.[5]
  • With the restoration of the larger Multiverse by the events of Convergence including Earth-50, separated into sets of wildly varying individual Multiverses[6][7] that still operate under principles such as universes separated by the Bleed that can be traveled by Carriers, it is possible that the Wildstorm Multiverse may exist within this larger "Omniverse".

See Also

Links and References
