DC Database

"Endgame": Valor is having difficulty dealing with his recent battles and subsequent possession by Eclipso. To help him deal with his emotions, he goes to see a psychiatrist. Valor doesn't realize that this psychiatrist is actually a closely monitored employee o

Quote1 You can't stop me this time, Eclipso! I'm beyond your grasp now! Quote2
— Valor

Valor #1 is an issue of the series Valor (Volume 1) with a cover date of November, 1992.

Synopsis for "Endgame"

Valor is having difficulty dealing with his recent battles and subsequent possession by Eclipso. To help him deal with his emotions, he goes to see a psychiatrist. Valor doesn't realize that this psychiatrist is actually a closely monitored employee of Lex Luthor.

Even after the session, Valor cannot shake the feeling that the threat of Eclipso is far from over. Determined to finish this conflict once and for all, he flies to the hidden Lunar City tucked away in the jungles of South America. Dozens of "evoked" Eclipsos scramble out of the ruins and attack him. During the fight, Valor learns that Eclipso plans on destroying the moon, using the dust and debris to blanket the Earth in eternal darkness. Valor keeps them at bay until sunrise when the Eclipsos retreat back into their darkened caves.

Later, Lex Luthor, having developed a keen interest in Valor's future, assigns Supergirl to find him and bring him back to Metropolis.

Appearing in "Endgame"

Featured Characters:

  • Valor (Flashback and main story)

Supporting Characters:

  • Supergirl (Cameo)
  • Kel Gand (Flashback only)
  • Marisa Gand (Flashback only)(First appearance)


Other Characters:





See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

Eclipso The Darkness Within 1
Eclipso: The Darkness Within Crossover
DC Rebirth Logo

This comic issue is a part of the "Eclipso: The Darkness Within" crossover event that took place throughout all of DC's Annuals in 1992. The event involved the evil entity known as Eclipso using his Heart of Darkness to corrupt the minds of various heroes and villains when they felt anger, and possess their bodies. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Eclipso: The Darkness Within Crossover" category.
