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"The Marvel Family and the World's Greatest Magician": Billy is taking out Mary and Freddy to see Presto, the World's Greatest Magician (especially because the Marvel Family are due to make a guest appearance!) Freddy notes that he's amazing even more because he's only 14 as they head to the rai

The Marvel Family #30 is an issue of the series The Marvel Family (Volume 1) with a cover date of December, 1948.

Synopsis for "The Marvel Family and the World's Greatest Magician"

Billy is taking out Mary and Freddy to see Presto, the World's Greatest Magician (especially because the Marvel Family are due to make a guest appearance!) Freddy notes that he's amazing even more because he's only 14 as they head to the railroad station to go meet him. At a nearby theatrical agency, stage magician Ali Kazam is fired because nobody cares about magicians. He threatens to turn him into a jelly bean, but the promoter points out that even that is pretty dated. Presto, however, could turn a jelly bean into a man, so he's much better and practices actual real magic. Ali Kazam leaves, intending to cause trouble later and ruin the World's Greatest Magician. Later, we find that Ali Kazam is already on Presto's train. Ali Kazam is already shocked to find that he was able to open the locked door without getting up, then knocks him out by braining him in the head with his cane. Billy hears this, also on the train, and calls SHAZAM to summon Captain Marvel to stop Presto from being kidnapped. Before he can get too close to him, Ali Kazam throws Presto back to him and jumps out a train window Luckily, we find the train has stopped before Ali Kazam disappears in a burst of flame and a twist of his cape. Captain Marvel worries that he didn't really get a good look at his face, only that he knows the man is a magician. Ali Kazam scarpers from the railroad station as Captain Marvel flies Presto to the Charity Show he's doing with the Marvel Family.

With the show starting, Freddy and Mary call SHAZAM and CAPTAIN MARVEL to become the rest of the Marvel Family, but find that Presto is suffering from temporary amnesia due to head trauma and cannot remember how to do tricks! They decide they'll help him manage it in the meantime then. First, Captain Marvel, Jr. is bound hand and foot with chains and locked in a chest, but the trick of the chest doesn't actually go off, so Junior instead breaks free himself. Ali Kazam boos at them from a box seat, stepping up to say that he's a way better magician than Presto! Somehow, they have all of Ali Kazam's props ready as Ali Kazam is chained up and dumped in to a large tank of water. He manages to free himself and rise to the top in less than a minute, impressing even the World's Mightiest Mortal. Ali Kazam thinks to himself how he did just use a key under his tongue to escape, but Captain Marvel is certain that Presto could beat him any day of the week that he doesn't have severe head trauma, so they'll continue to assist him. Presto sets up Mary Marvel for the Second Trick, the Magical Disappearance, which doesn't do anything when Presto waves his wand, so Mary Marvel calls SHAZAM to become Mary Batson again, then drops through a trapdoor opened by Captain Marvel and Captain Marvel, Jr. To show him up again, Ali Kazam whips his cape over Presto, making him disappear, only to reappear on top of a chandelier as he thinks on how the trick works: he clipped a steel “attraction plate” to Presto's neck, then activated a powerful electromagnet he installed in the chandelier. Captain Marvel flies over to a large stack of folding chairs and whips them all out at once so Presto lands on the top one. Presto tells them he recognizes Ali Kazam as the person who tried to kidnap him. The chairs wobble and start to fall, but Presto manages to land softly by cracking both heels into Ali Kazam's shoulder blades. Captain Marvel laughs that Ali Kazam is under arrest and will only be the greatest magician in the State Prison! Later, Captain Marvel asks Presto how the chairs were all floating in the air for that long and Presto merely says there are some secrets he cannot reveal! Mary Marvel points out they can't manage to figure it out either… so he must be the World's Greatest Magician!

Appearing in "The Marvel Family and the World's Greatest Magician"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Presto, the World's Greatest Magician


  • "The Great" Ali Kazam

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Mary Marvel and the Bewitched Book!"

In her secret lab, Georgia Sivana is reading a book about the “Ice City” that seems to have a magical glow. Mary Marvel is already searching for the World's Wickedest Girl and follows a trail of decaying paper to her hideout. She wait until a large truck rumbles by to mask the sound of her forcing the lock open, then finds Georgia mumbling to herself… before disappearing entirely! Reading the book, she finds it speaks:

“Far off in another dimension lies the beautiful Ice City! And I, the author of this book, have discovered the way to reach the Ice City, by speaking the magic words Abracandelabra Prestolio!”

Speaking this aloud, Mary Marvel is sucked through time and space to the Ice City, finding it populated by moderately gregarious people in woolen bodysuits, curled shoes with large sunburst-shaped hoods. Georgia decides she will conquer these peaceful people, but she needs a fur dress first, because she's freezing! She tries on a fur Ice City suit, but slaps the attendant on the chest, refusing to pay for it as she is the “Future Princess,” getting the attention of Mary Marvel. She punches Georgia into a pillar, cracking it as the Ice City Police show up to arrest her for breaking property, not in any way listening to her pointing out Georgia was literally leaving. They state that violence is the highest degree of crime in Ice City, because it risks damaging the city itself, but they let her off with a warning as Georgia actively runs away from the cops.

Mary Marvel tries to fly after her more carefully, but accidentally clips into a bridge of transparent ice and has to push the block dislodged back in place, letting Georgia escape again. Mary Marvel begins to realize that this is the worst place for Mary Marvel as Georgia escapes to a Scientific Laboratory where she throttles a grown man into unconsciousness. She hopes to find their most powerful weapon and unleash an atom bomb or a death-ray, but realizes that she can use something a lot more simple: a blowtorch! Doing so, she demands to be named Princess of Ice City, which the citizens promise vehemently they'll do. Georgia threatens Mary Marvel that she'll turn it up, but instead of just taking it from her, Mary Marvel relents for now and Georgia names her her personal slave and that if she tries to leave Ice City, she will melt it. She orders her to go to the ice plant down the street to commission an ice throne, which Mary Marvel manages to somehow sneak inside of, despite it being translucent enough to see her sitting inside it. At the Palace, Mary Marvel tears through the ice throne and grabs the blowtorch from her, then speaks the magic words Abracandelabra Prestolio to return them both to the normal world. Mary Marvel burns the book afterwards, telling her that this will keep the Ice City safe from invaders forever now.

Appearing in "Mary Marvel and the Bewitched Book!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Capt. Marvel, Jr. Proves the Best Things in Life are Free!"

JW Barnaby is a rich man who resembles WC Fields with a mustache and he is a billionaire. He gloats out loud to no one about how his latest deal just made him $10,000,000 before he's balked by the all-too common issue of a flat tire miles from home! He luckily seems to have found himself flat right outside a rooming house, entirely certain that he can just pay for a room even if they're full up. However, Mrs. Wagner refuses to do so, since they don't have any open rooms and she won't just throw someone out of their room in the middle of the night. Not respecting anyone's personal space, JW Barnaby just walks directly into Freddy's room and throws a handful of money at him, demanding he basically get lost from his own house. Freddy immediately says he doesn't care about money, but Barnaby physically drags a disabled child from his bed and throws him into the hall, even despite Freddy thinking to himself that he meant he could stay for free, but he's changed his mind by now! Calling CAPTAIN MARVEL, he becomes Captain Marvel, Junior and grabs the billionaire by the shoulder, insisting that the best things in life are free, like friendship. He could have had Freddy's room for free if he had been friendly, but now he needs to leave. Barnaby is thrown out on to the lawn, but swears vengeance indeed.

The next day, he returns to reveal he bought out Mrs. Wagner's mortgage and he's somehow evicting her in 24 hours. Freddy comes home from work to find that they're out of house and calls CAPTAIN MARVEL to become Captain Marvel, Junior once more. Flying to the Barnaby Building, he bursts into his office and finds that JW Barnaby has managed to accidentally lock himself in his own vault, suffocating in an incredibly ironic manner. The World's Mightiest Boy rips the vault door loose. Barnaby is gasping to pay money for anymore air to breath. Junior reminds him that air is free and he couldn't buy any when he needed it. Barnaby vehemently decries his moralistic appeals, so Junior digresses to make him an offer about the Wagner Rooming-House mortgage, only to be interrupted by a madman having a meltdown, announcing that Barnaby ruined his business and goes to stab him to death with a big knife. Junior callously tells him that his money won't save his life, even letting him stab him, since it was actually a rubber knife the whole time. Junior mocks that he didn't know that, but he saw it was fake the whole time and that being alive, that's free too! Barnaby faints from being violently threatened by a stranger in his own house and Captain Marvel, Jr. drags him outside to relax in the countryside where the air if fresh. Junior says he owes him $5,000 for it, but Barnaby snidely points out that nature is also free! When Junior returns that he's now arguing for the best things in life being free, Barnaby has a headache for a few minutes and can't think straight. Soon after, he offers Junior to show him other free things in life, so Junior casually offers that Barnaby attempt to buy the smile from a young girl, which looks as creepy as it sounds. Junior makes it worse by instead tickling the girl, assuring them that she's safe and won't be harmed, insisting smiles (or appreciation from others) is a free thing in life. Suddenly, a mad bull appears, which Junior points out he can't pay to not gore him, instead defeating it by ramming his chest into the beast's spine, which only knocks it out. Junior points out that in the fracas, Barnaby chose to save the smiling girl and finds that love is also free. Barnaby admits that Junior is correct and tears up the mortgage, earning him a kiss on the cheek from Mrs. Wagner, insisting the best things in life are free!

Appearing in "Capt. Marvel, Jr. Proves the Best Things in Life are Free!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Mrs. Wagner


  • JW Barnaby
    • An Unnamed Disgruntled Businessman

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Captain Marvel and the Curse of the Golden Touch!"

Billy Batson is covering the opening of an archaeological exhibition of the Sarcophagus of King Midas of Lydia, known for this “Golden Touch!” The Museum Authorities begin opening it despite an inscription telling them that opening it will inflict the Curse of the Golden Touch on them. They find it's harder to lift than they thought, indicating this is solid gold as a random burglar walks in, wielding a gun, demanding they somehow hand him an incredibly heavy golden sarcophagus. Saving time, Billy calls SHAZAM and Captain Marvel punches him out quick. Captain Marvel turns him over to the cops and assists the docents by opening the sarcophagus himself. They offer he can stay and unwrap the Mummy of King Midas, but he declines and flies off. As he leaves though, he doesn't notice that the two museum authorities have turned into solid gold! Captain Marvel goes about his other planned activities, heading to Central Park to dedicate a statue. On his way there, he steps on a leaf and it turns solid gold until it's found by a man in a blue suit. Captain Marvel soon dedicates the statue to some unnamed figure of New York history. He says he's a man of golden heart, touching the statue and accidentally turning it into gold, much to the shock of onlookers. At his second appointment, he accepts the Silver Cup for a Charity Drive and accidentally turns it gold too, assuming that he picked up the wrong one. At his third appointment, he has dinner in honor of beloved Mayor William O'Dwyer, but finds he can't eat any of the food! The Mayor is confused at what's happening as Captain Marvel realizes he has a deadly curse and recoils in terror and flying off. Leaning against a tree with his arms spread, he accidentally touches it. Somehow turning it to gold makes it also uproot itself and then shatter to pieces when he punches it to stop it from crushing a small child in its path. Captain Marvel fans himself with a newspaper as he start having a panic attack and finds that the paper also turned to gold! What's worse, he's remembered his final appointment that day is in court to testify that the burglar tried to steal the Sarcophagus to start with!

Avoiding touching a small dog, Captain Marvel appears in court and testifies against the burglar, but he tries to leg it out of the docket. The Bailiff pulls his gun, only for Captain Marvel to nudge the barrel aside and says he'll handle it, turning the gun to gold in doing so. Captain Marvel somehow manages to forget he can't physically grab him without killing him, and worries that he'll have to let the burglar go. Flying back to the Museum, he finds that the docents are still dead and bemoans having done so. He soon finds a second inscription on the Sarcophagus of King Midas that is more helpful, telling him that if the bones of King Midas are returned to it, the Curse of the Golden Touch will depart. Captain Marvel quickly flies it off to wherever the bones of King Midas is (it is not explained where this is) and everyone is cured. The burglar returns again to find the golden Sarcophagus is gone and Captain Marvel uppercuts him off his feet to arrest him again. Later, Billy signs off by saying everything went back to normal and that the point of the golden touch was it was always a bad idea!

Appearing in "Captain Marvel and the Curse of the Golden Touch!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • An Unnamed Museum Burglar

Other Characters:



  • The Golden Sarcophagus of King Midas



  • Despite the cover, the Marvel Family does not get summoned out of Presto's hat, nor does anyone take a giant photograph of it for Billy. There aren't any hat tricks at all.
  • It is not explained why or how King Midas of Lydia was mummified

See Also

Links and References
