DC Database

"The Family of the Future": In the year 21,948, no water remains on Earth after a great drought, and a farmer and his children who tried to finally some edible vegetation are on the verge of defeat. They report to the manager of the corporation that rules the world in the far-flung future, who s

The Marvel Family #24 is an issue of the series The Marvel Family (Volume 1) with a cover date of June, 1948.

Synopsis for "The Family of the Future"

In the year 21,948, no water remains on Earth after a great drought, and a farmer and his children who tried to finally some edible vegetation are on the verge of defeat. They report to the manager of the corporation that rules the world in the far-flung future, who sends them back to 1948 to procure some seeds, as the last ones in the world were used in their last round of experiments. They arrive at an old farm Billy, Mary and Freddy have bought for themselves, and quickly run into the Marvels when trying to abscond with some seeds. When the future family's caught, they explain their predicament, and the Marvels insist they take seeds to the future to save their people.

Appearing in "The Family of the Future"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Father, son and daughter of futuristic farmers



  • Oblitero Ray
  • Force Propulsion Ray
  • Anti-Spectrum Pills


  • Time Machine

Synopsis for "The Name of Death"

A hysterical man runs up to Freddy's news stand, asking for helping and exclaiming the word "Kistara". He's shot before he can say anything else, and the gunman gives Captain Marvel Junior the slip by shooting out the tires of a passing bus. By flying to maximum elevation, Jr. sees the killer fleeing into Chinatown and bursts through a window into a Chinaman's home. The killer's already been knifed in the back, the word "Kistara" written on the floor in his own blood. The resident denies knowing the meaning of the sinister world, and immediately keels over dead from cyanide secreted in his cigarette holder. Junior realizes he's up against a truly ruthless villain, but looking at the cigarette shows "Kistara" written on its side, even. Tracing it to the manufacturer, Junior acquires a list of their vendors and flies around looking for clues.

His search eventually takes him to the casino owned by Chip Greer, whose fear and pulling a gun on the World's Mightiest Boy indicates some kind of skulduggery on his part. After being driven to the wall, Greer admits he was part of a group that stole a huge ruby from a Chinese temple. The victims were other members of the thieving party that the mysterious Kistara was afraid would reveal their crime. She bursts in herself then and kills Greer, and in grappling with Marvel, is unmasked as an Oriental woman. Rather than face justice, she throws a capsule into the fireplace, creating a titanic explosion. Junior survives, but like the rest of her conspirators, Kistara is no more.

Appearing in "The Name of Death"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Kistara (Dies)
  • Chip Greer (Dies)
  • Lum Fong (Dies)

Other Characters:



  • Stolen ruby


Synopsis for "Mary Marvel Visits Valhalla"

A gang of Vikings show up on a street corner, and ask some passersby where they can find some mighty dragons to slay. They mistake first a car, then a bus, for a dragon, then mystify police when they prove impervious to bullets. The Vikings don't know why they'd be expected to die from being shot, because they've already done that!

When Mary intervenes and stands up their weapons, the Vikings retreat to the home of the one who summoned them, a Mr. Hydra. Mary punches him, but he responds by turning into a completely different person who isn't injured by her blow. He claims to have been created by an ancient scientist and brought the Vikings there through a fourth-dimensional door, but Mary doesn't buy it. She crashes through the door, finds a long tunnel, and at the other end, a castle that does indeed seem to be Valhalla. Especially when Hydra orders the Vikings in attendance to attack Mary, and they just keep coming back for more even after her mightiest punches. Flying away, she sees a tribe of warrior women, who Hydra had trapped to keep them from interfering with his plans to conquer the world with an immortal army at his back. Mary frees them, and comes back and punches Hydra so many times he cycles through all his identities and has no uninjured ones left. The Vikings promise to lock him in their dungeon forever.

Appearing in "Mary Marvel Visits Valhalla"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Mr. Hydra

Other Characters:

  • Einherjar



  • Fourth-Dimensional Portal


Synopsis for "Captain Marvel's Blindness!"

Appearing in "Captain Marvel's Blindness!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Terrible Tommy
  • Delilah

Other Characters:




See Also

Links and References
