DC Database

"Super-Speed Agent of the Flash": A tornado approaches a nearby trailer park as Flash rushes to the rescue. He conjures up a counter whirlwind with his arm and rushes into the storm. He is sucked into the tornado and a sudden explosion follows. The debris settles and Flash finds himself alive

The Flash #190 is an issue of the series The Flash (Volume 1) with a cover date of August, 1969.

Synopsis for "Super-Speed Agent of the Flash"

A tornado approaches a nearby trailer park as Flash rushes to the rescue. He conjures up a counter whirlwind with his arm and rushes into the storm. He is sucked into the tornado and a sudden explosion follows. The debris settles and Flash finds himself alive but his leg is badly injured. A doctor declares that Flash will never run again. Iris Allen appears in the examining room as a news reporter. She offers to drive the Flash to police headquarters knowing that she needs to spend time with her husband. Flash comes to the realization that his career as a crimefighter has come to an end. He also realizes that his secret identity will be compromised once people see that Barry Allen is also in a cast. The couple is discussing their situation in the library when they hear a radio announcement that the notorious Muscle Men are back in Central City. Allen feels helpless as he watches his wife sew some repairs on his costume. He suddenly gets an idea and instructs his wife to sew up all the openings on his costume. He installs transistor circuits into his uniform and inflates it with energized air. Once finished the inflated Flash balloon is able to accept and obey simple commands. He then sneaks out of the house to track down the Muscle Men gang while he travels in his wheelchair at super speed. He runs into the gang at an import company an mobilizes his transistorized balloon agent against them. The animated balloon is able to handle most of the gang while Barry Allen vibrates at super speed to remain invisible. A shot rings out and the balloon figure is pierced and starts to deflate. The gang is puzzled and huddles around the deflated balloon when it suddenly comes to life. Barry Allen had managed to repair it at super speed before the gang reached it. The Balloon comes to life and finishes off the gang in fantastic fashion. Flash then receives great news at his next doctor visit. He is informed that his leg is healing nicely with the help of mysterious vibrations. Flash surmises that the vibrations that he used to stay invisible actually had a beneficial effect on his leg. He goes home and vibrates into invisibility much to the annoyance of his wife.

Appearing in "Super-Speed Agent of the Flash"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "10 Years to Live--One Second to Die"

Flash meets with the curator of the Flash museum to turn in artifacts from his last adventure. He inquires about Dexter's assistant who he recently hired. Dexter relates that his young assistant Joel Travis has recently been involved with a group called the Far Outers. Travis had apparently boasted to them that he had a personal connection with the Flash. He even went so far as to steal a costume from the museum to impersonate the Flash. Flash senses that Travis might be in trouble so he tracks him down to the groups hideout. Once he arrives, Flash vibrates to make himself invisible. He quickly finds that Travis has been subdued in his Flash costume and the group plans to collect a million dollars for his capture. Flash rescues Travis and takes his place on the floor pretending that he is knocked out. Flash is then transported to a big estate where he is placed in a holding cell. He is approached by a thief known as Blue Chip Chipman who blames Flash for his ten year incarceration. Chipman announces that Flash must now serve the same amount of time imprisoned as he served. To ensure that he does not escape, Chipman blows up an abandoned hotel in the background as Flash watches from a small window in his cell. He informs the Flash that he has planted ten bombs at busy locations around Central City. If he escapes, the bombs will be set off before Flash can locate them. Flash then notices that right before the abandoned hotel blast was detonated, there was a one second spurt of high frequency energy that he detected. Flash then escapes from the cell and quickly accelerates to locate the bombs using the high frequency energy as a guide. He dismantles the bombs and comes back to subdue Chipman. Flash then meets with Travis and Dexter at the Flash museum. He warns Travis about the dangers of impersonating the Flash and leaves him under the wise supervision of Dexter himself.

Appearing in "10 Years to Live--One Second to Die"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • "Blue Chip" Chipman

Other Characters:

  • Joel Travis


See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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