DC Database

"The Flash's Final Fling": Barry Allen announces that he is through with being the Flash. He feels unappreciated performing his thankless job with little to no reward. Kid Flash becomes very concerned with Barry's attitude. He vibrates the both of them to Earth 2 in order to seek help from Dr

Quote1 To the world I'm just regarded as a freak with a flair for speed! Quote2

The Flash #159 is an issue of the series The Flash (Volume 1) with a cover date of March, 1966.

Synopsis for "The Flash's Final Fling"

Barry Allen announces that he is through with being the Flash. He feels unappreciated performing his thankless job with little to no reward. Kid Flash becomes very concerned with Barry's attitude. He vibrates the both of them to Earth 2 in order to seek help from Dr Mcnider who is secretly Dr Midnight. Dr Midnight places Barry under hypnosis to reveal the source of his despair and he finds that Barry was visited by a policeman from the future. The policeman originated from the year 3780 and he warned Flash that a criminal by the name of Frand Mattar had stolen a vibration bomb and sent it back through time to Central City in the year 1966. Frand Mattar intended to go on a crime spree and threatened to set off the bomb and detroy Central City if anyone interfered. The authorities were then horrified when they remembered that the Flash lived in Central City in 1966 and that his super speed might create vibrations to set the bomb off. A policeman was sent to the past to make sure that the Flash did not use his powers resulting in the explosion of the bomb. Barry is then hypnotized by the policeman into thinking that his job is worthless and unappreciated. Upon learning these details, Barry Allen is determined to travel to the future to apprehend the criminal Fran Matter. Barry and Kid Flash arrive in the year 3780. They seek out Frand Matter and apprehend him for the authorities. Unfortunately Matter detonates the bomb but Kid Flash and Barry Allen go back to 1966 to prevent the bomb from devastating the city. The next day the city unveils banners of appreciation to thank Flash for saving the city.

Appearing in "The Flash's Final Fling"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Frand Mattar

Other Characters:

  • Petar Thrant




Synopsis for "Big Blast in Rocket City"

Barry and Iris accompany her father Professor West to a vacation site in Rocket City. The professor plans to meet with colleagues to discuss space agency business, but he gets mistaken for a hood known as “The Brain” by local thugs. The group of thieves are hopeful that the professor will give them scientific tips to help them elude the police while they continue their crime spree. Professor West assumes he is working with space agency colleagues and isolates a chemical which causes dizziness in zero gravity. The group of thieves proceed to rob a department store and they use the professor's dizziness formula to escape the police. They also use a car with an escape velocity mechanism developed by professor West to flee from the Flash himself after a bank robbery. Flash trails the thieves to their hideout and is surprised to find Professor West among them. The professor is in the process of demonstrating a heat shield device which the thieves use against the Flash but the Flash burrows underneath the hideout to take the thugs by surprise and easily apprehends them. The Flash then rushes back to his hotel room where Iris has been getting ready to go out and search for her father who has been missing this whole time. They then watch a news report which informs them that Professor West was rescued by the Flash and delivered to the real space agency. They also reveal that “The Brain” never made it to Rocket City since he was apprehended by authorities crossing the state line.

Appearing in "Big Blast in Rocket City"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Duke
  • Slats
  • Stick-pin Pete

Other Characters:

  • Rocket City Police Department


See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
