DC Database

The spheres were created by Michael Holt, and respond to his mental and vocal commands. He once described them as "curious" about something, implying that they possess artificial intelligence.

T-Spheres are spherical electronic accessories commonly used by the JSA member Michael Holt aka Mister Terrific. The T Spheres are usualy found hovering around Mr. Terrific.


New Earth

The spheres were created by Michael Holt, and respond to his mental and vocal commands. He once described them as "curious" about something, implying that they possess artificial intelligence.[1]

Roulette used a variation of the T-Spheres to capture members of the JSA during her debut appearance.[2]

Batman used a version of the T-Spheres to recruit a new Justice League of America, which Mister Terrific took as a compliment that Batman would steal his designs.[citation needed]


Curtis Holt Arrowverse 004

Curtis Holt with the T-Spheres

In the Arrowverse, the T-Spheres were originally a pair of automated drones created by Curtis Holt at Palmer Technologies, as part of Felicity Smoak's program "prototypes for the future". After he became the vigilante Mr. Terrific in Star City, Holt began using the Spheres as weapons to aid him in fighting crime.[3][4]

Black Siren later stole a prototype T-Sphere from the Arrowcave, which Cayden James used against Green Arrow.[5][6]

In the Doomworld Timeline, Felicity Smoak used T-Spheres while fighting crime as a vigilante in Star City.[7]


The T-Spheres can perform the following functions:

  • self-propelled flight
  • form a laser grid between the spheres[8]
  • create holograms[9]
  • record[10]
  • sensors
  • link to computers/data *communication, linking with and manipulating other electronic devices, from satellites to electronic locks[10]
  • be used as a weapon by flying into things[11]
  • bombs[12]
  • electric charges[13]


See Also

