DC Database

"The Quest for Cosmic Boy - Lord of Lightning (Part I of II)": Sun Boy, Star Boy, Mekt Ranzz and Tenzil Kem enter the Ranzz Family farm, but aren't finding any intelligent life. Star Boy wants to report back to Supergirl but Brainiac insists that their leader is busy

Quote1 Sorry, but you're both acting like uranuses. You each weigh about a ton now. If I let you up, can we get back to our mission? Quote2
— Star Boy

Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #32 is an issue of the series Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 1) with a cover date of September, 2007.

Synopsis for "The Quest for Cosmic Boy - Lord of Lightning (Part I of II)"

Sun Boy, Star Boy, Mekt Ranzz and Tenzil Kem enter the Ranzz Family farm, but aren't finding any intelligent life. Star Boy wants to report back to Supergirl but Brainiac insists that their leader is busy right now and they will have to manage.

The team decides to go underground, as a thunderstorm is coming, and they find a machine with the text "Validus". Mekt suddenly goes crazy and attacks the others. While Sun Boy and Mekt fight, Tenzil goes away, and Star Boy increases Mekt's and Sun Boy's weight to about 1 ton to make them stop. When they agree on not fighting, Star Boy restores their ordinary weight.

Mekt tells them about his origin - that he was an outcast of Winathians for being born solo, where people usually have a twin, and that he found the Cult of Validus, who worshiped Validus, a "storm god", supposed to live in Winath's thunderstorm clouds. The cult had told Mekt that he was a part of a prophecy that a certain solo would bring Lord Validus to Winath in the flesh, on the planet Korbal. Mekt went there, together with his siblings Garth (Lightning Lad) and Ayla (Light Lass), and were zapped by the local lightning creatures, gaining lightning powers. But the cult wasn't happy with that Garth and Ayla also had been empowered, something that didn't fit the prophecy at all, and Mekt was banished from the cult, even though Mekt know that the cult isn't around anymore.

Tenzil Kem is confronted by two Winathian kids, who tricks him into entering a container which is about to be filled with wheat. Sun Boy, Star Boy, and Mekt are then confronted by some Winathians, including Mekt's parents, who have also gained electrical powers.

Appearing in "The Quest for Cosmic Boy - Lord of Lightning (Part I of II)"

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