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"Girl Power (Part II of V) - Teen Titans": Supergirl visits the Kent Farm in the hopes of having a conversation with Superboy. Unfortunately, Superboy, having recently gone through extreme trauma, is very distrustful of others, and perceives

Quote1 SO... I spent years and years trapped inside a spaceship from Krypton. All alone on a dead rock from a dead world, and I promise you-- I will not be bound AGAIN! Quote2
— Supergirl

Supergirl (Volume 5) #2 is an issue of the series Supergirl (Volume 5) with a cover date of November, 2005. It was published on September 14, 2005.

Synopsis for "Girl Power (Part II of V) - Teen Titans"

Supergirl visits the Kent Farm in the hopes of having a conversation with Superboy. Unfortunately, Superboy, having recently gone through extreme trauma, is very distrustful of others, and perceives Supergirl's approach as a threat. Intending to shoo her away, he picks up a fight with her. The two begin fighting and Supergirl lands a blow that breaks Conner's jaw. Conner stops fighting and Kara fixes his jaw.

Their tempers now cooled off, the two teenagers begin to speak amicably to one another and Kara starts to think they will get along well after all; but suddenly, Conner's teammates in the Teen Titans appear. Without provocation, the Titans begin fighting against Superboy and Supergirl.

Wonder Girl pounces on Supergirl, and Kara punches Cassie back. The Amazon girl admits she overreacted when she saw Conner talking to another blonde girl, but she is still angry because of Kara's punch. Wonder Girl ensnares Supergirl with her Lasso of Lightning, but Supergirl is able to withstand the electrical discharge. Her willpower forces the charge back upon Wonder Girl who falls to the ground, stunned. Raven grabs Supergirl and envelops her in her soul-self. Raven cannot interpret the conflicting emotions she is perceiving and lets go of her.

In the meantime, Cyborg stuns Superboy with a sonic discharge and Beast Boy turns into an elephant and sits on Superboy. Cyborg reveals they have been keeping a close watch on him since his recent brainwashing at the hands of Lex Luthor and voluntary resignation. Incensed, Superboy shoves Beast Boy aside and squares off.

Supergirl zips over and separates the two. Kara states that since they're fighting cause of her presence there, she'll leave now. Superboy gets angry and declare its's his teammates and no his "cousin" who should leave. Suddenly, Starfire of the Outsiders arrives and says that she has important information for Supergirl.

Elsewhere, Lex Luthor conspires with the Calculator on the means by which to take Supergirl down. Luthor is wearing an upgraded battlesuit equipped with multi-colored Kryptonite weaponry. Calculator asks what the black Kryptonite does, and Luthor just grins.

Appearing in "Girl Power (Part II of V) - Teen Titans"

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See Also

Recommended Reading

 Main article: Supergirl Recommended Reading

Links and References
