DC Database

The SpectraVerse is a term for the different "levels" of reality visited by Wally West.


Hartley Rathaway gave it its name. The dimensions which make up the SpectraVerse are not alternate universes in the conventional sense. Instead they are described as different "frequencies" or "angles" of Earth 0. Although different life forms inhabit each "level", inanimate objects and buildings are the same between most of them.

The Flash began slipping into the SpectraVerse when he smashed through an "atomic mirror" created by the Mirror Master. At first these reality shifts were involuntary, but he later learned how to control them.

The SpectraVerse appears to intersect with Hypertime in some way, as various speedsters have inadvertently travelled through it to the ruins of Timepoint.

Points of Interest

  • Apparatus of Existence: A dimension representing the laws of physics, outsiders perceive it as an endless, infinitely complex machine.
  • Blobsphere: A dimension theorised to be a "psychic ecosystem". It is inhabited solely by shapeless blobs of flesh termed "Meat Balloons". Sunlight in this dimension appears to be tinged violet. When viewed from this dimension, speedsters appear to be huge, destructive balls of energy.
  • Gallery of Moments: Referred to as the "lowest vibration of all", lying deeper than time and space, the Gallery of Moments is a tranquil garden filled with what appear to be statues of people from Wally West's life. In reality the statues are temporal reflections of the actual people, changing position to reflect their "subject" when not being observed. Spending time in the Garden causes the occupant an overwhelming sense of peace and wellbeing, but causes them to quickly forget what they were doing or who they even are. Touching a statue in the Garden instantly transports the person who touched it to the "subject's" location.
  • Realm of Fungal Geometry: A dimension seemingly filled entirely by extradimensional fungus known as "Mathshrooms". Sunlight in this dimension appears to be tinged green.
  • Realm of Lingering Death: A dimension inhabited by Ghosts and Zombies. Wally West theorises that what appear to be apparitions of the dead have a scientific explanation as "psychic echoes" or "temporal impressions", but Max Mercury believes it is in fact the metaphysical spirit realm. Sunlight in this dimension appears to be tinged orange.
  • Realm of Pure Math: A dimension inhabited by sentient mathematical concepts.


  • The Resident: (Formerly) A spectral figure within the Gallery of Moments. She is a manifestation of Linda Park-West's love for Wally, which was stripped away from her by Abra Kadabra using his Psychic Flayer. The Resident later reunited with Linda.
  • Mathshrooms: A form of fungus which appears to completely cover the Realm of Fungal Geometry. Mathshrooms are supposedly tied to the laws of science as viewed in the level of reality inhabited by humans.
  • Meat Balloons: The sole life form of the Blobsphere. They are conceptual embodiments of thoughts and feelings. When transferred into the level of reality inhabited by humans they swarm around the elderly, drawn to the wealth of their life experience.
  • Physical Constants: The inhabitants of the Apparatus of Existence. They resemble clockwork robots. Their job is to maintain physics as perceived in the other planes.


  • Hartley Rathaway theorises that there could be ten, eleven or twenty-six "discrete frequencies", i.e. worlds, making up the SpectraVerse.

See Also

Links and References

