DC Database

Trapped on Stryker Island after a confrontation with Superman,Bruno Mannheim devises a dangerous escape plan by feign a bargain with the prosecution and Metropolis police department to hand over the entire organization in exchange for his freedom and then catching Gillespie

A killer robot used by the Intergang.


Trapped on Stryker Island after a confrontation with Superman,Bruno Mannheim devises a dangerous escape plan by feign a bargain with the prosecution and Metropolis police department to hand over the entire organization in exchange for his freedom and then catching Gillespie's attention, who would trigger the Purge to kill him, and somehow this would help him get out of jail.

Breaking half the prison and hurting the guards,Purge's rampage is breafly stopped by Superman that ripped off his arms and drowned in a part of the sea full of toxic waste, cutting off the signal that activated it. Unbeknownst to him both the torn-off arms went to Manhnheim's cell and broke him Damper Collar.


Despite having no artificial intelligence Purge has a software capable of analyze,learn and adapt to any given situation,when confronted by Superman it showed basic combat skills and superhuman strength to keep him off balance.

Its outer shell is made of an unknown and nearly unbreakable metal capable of withstanding high caliber bullets,massive impacts,being submerged in water,heat attacks and blows from Superman without having a dent. Despite Purge's high resistance to physical harm it's possible to cause damage to its outer shell,but even if damaged it can regenerate damaged areas and even grow new limbs within seconds of being ripped off,and its torn limbs can complete their tasks autonomously [1].

Inside its arms it has a pair of wheels for locomotion,that are triggered when the robot enters motorcycle mode.


  • The quickest and most accurate way to defeat it is destroying the microwave receiver circuitry inside his head.
  • In conjunction with Intergang's broadcast power network,its circuits can be used to create a Boom Tube [2]

See Also


Superman Villain(s)
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This character has been primarily an enemy of Superman in any of his various incarnations, or members of the Superman Family. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Superman Villains category."
