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"When It Rains, God is Crying - (Quicksand)": At the Daily Planet in Metropolis, city editor James McCullough is furious that Lois is taking so long with her missing children story. He tells Janice Denton to find Lois and to put pressure on her to finish the story.

Quote1 Janice, remind Lois for me that she's a reporter, not a social worker. Quote2
— Perry White

Lois Lane #2 is an issue of the series Lois Lane (Volume 1) with a cover date of September, 1986.

Synopsis for "When It Rains, God is Crying - (Quicksand)"

At the Daily Planet in Metropolis, city editor James McCullough is furious that Lois is taking so long with her missing children story. He tells Janice Denton to find Lois and to put pressure on her to finish the story.

Lois meanwhile, is down at police headquarters speaking with inspector Bill Henderson. She asks him about the recent Baby Doe found in the South River, but Henderson has no more leads on the child's identity.

Lois continues to research her story and visits the home of Mr. and Mrs. Zelinsky. Their three-year-old daughter, Patty, was a victim of an abduction, but fortunately for the Zelinskys, police were able to recover her. Young Patty however, traumatized by the event, has not spoken a word since returning to her family.

Lois leaves the Zelinsky home and runs into Clark and Lana. She fears that Lana may be trying to scoop her on the story and flies into a rage. Clark tries to calm her down, but it is obvious to him that this story is shaking Lois' nerves to the core. Lois turns on her heel and storms away in a huff.

When she arrives back at the Daily Planet, Perry White tells her that the clock is ticking and she has a deadline to meet. Lois' next stop is a halfway house in Suicide Slum. She meets some of the runaway children as well as a group of concerned parents. A councilor named Mister Cortez allows Lois to sit in on a focus group session.

The following day, Lois visits the home of millionaire named Mister Dillon. Mister Dillon's wife has left him and has taken their only child with her. Lois tries to pry a story out of him, but Dillon breaks down and calls the police. The officers arrive and forcibly escort Lois from the Dillon estate.

While Lois continues researching her missing children piece, Lana Lang follows up on the Baby Doe report. The city instructs the police department to bury the child's remains and Henderson has the police department finance the expense for the child's funeral. Lois, Lana, Clark and Lucy Lane all attend the funeral. Lois is finally ready to publish her piece, and she mends bridges with Lana and Lucy.

Appearing in "When It Rains, God is Crying - (Quicksand)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Bob (a reporter)
  • Fred (a reporter)
  • James (a reporter)
  • Janice Denton
  • Joan (a parent)
  • Joe Zelinsky (Flashback only)
  • Karen (a reporter)
  • Max (a child)
  • Mister Cortez (a social worker)
  • Mister Dillon (a millionaire)
  • Mister Wagman (a parent)
  • Mort (a reporter)
  • Mrs. King (a parent)
  • Patty Zelinsky
  • Sheila (a parent)
  • Tommy (a parent)






  • It is revealed in this issue that Lana Lang was briefly married and had a child at some point in her recent past. The child was murdered by foreign terrorists who removed its ear and sent it in a package to Lana's attention.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
