DC Database

Steel's current hammer has the ability to increase its kinetic energy the farther it is thrown. At a distance up to 20 yards, it can stop a car, at 30 yards a truck, at 60 yards a tank, and at distances greater than 60 yards its destructive capacity rivals that of Superman.

The Kinetic Hammer is a large sledgehammer used by the superhero Steel.


Steel's current hammer has the ability to increase its kinetic energy the farther it is thrown. At a distance up to 20 yards, it can stop a car, at 30 yards a truck, at 60 yards a tank, and at distances greater than 60 yards its destructive capacity rivals that of Superman.


  • Inertial Damage Field: The hammer can also store the energy it has gathered along its flight path within the kinetic field and release it on contact with a target (on command), even if its flight is interrupted by a command. It is unknown how long this device can store such energy. This device appears to have the ability to temporarily disrupt temporal/kinetic energy in a localized field and manipulate it for limited effects such as energy transfer based on a linear distance traveled. Such technology may be alien in origin, and its owner and manufacturer bear watching because of it. Its power source is also unknown.
  • Programmable Flight: The hammer can stop in mid-air and be called back into his hands.
  • Voice Controlled: When Steel says "STOP", the hammer will stop in mid-air. When he says "RETURN", the hammer will fly right back into his hands.
  • Electromagnetic Sensors: The hammer has sensors in it to measure electromagnetic energy.
  • Electromagnetism: The hammer can create several electromagnetic effects such as an EMP to disrupt electronic devices in Steel's vicinity. It can also set itself in tune to the Earth's magnetic field, making it virtually impossible to move. When not using the hammer, Steel can magnetically attach it to his back.

See Also

