DC Database

"The Devil In Paradise!": At the annual presentation of the Nobel Prizes, the Justice League receives a special award for its rescue of a top chemist from the crime syndicate known as the 100, and Dr

Quote1 Death's scythe cut down someone I loved too! But time will slowly erase the pain! I know... Quote2
— Black Canary

Justice League of America #84 is an issue of the series Justice League of America (Volume 1) with a cover date of November, 1970. It was published on September 10, 1970.

Synopsis for "The Devil In Paradise!"

At the annual presentation of the Nobel Prizes, the Justice League receives a special award for its rescue of a top chemist from the crime syndicate known as the 100, and Dr. Viktor Willard wins the Peace Prize for his creation of the Pax serum, which turns aggressors into "doves." Unknown to all, however, Willard has gone mad, and intends to use the serum to unleash hatred in all the world's nations, causing humanity to exterminate itself. His fiancee, Phyllis Temple, escapes his island hideaway and warns the Justice League, but even they are powerless when Willard threatens to kill Phyllis if they intervene. It is Villard's own android creation, Nether Man, who turns on his master, and sacrifices his own existence to save Phyllis and the world.

Appearing in "The Devil In Paradise!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Dr. Viktor Willard (Single appearance; dies) (Flashback and main story)
  • The 100 (Flashback only)
  • Nether Man (Single appearance; dies) (Flashback and main story)

Other Characters:

  • Aborigines
  • Black Canary's late husband (Mentioned only) (See Notes)
  • Dr. Keller of Central City Hospital (Single appearance)
  • Interpol (Mentioned only)
  • Phyllis Temple (Single appearance) (Flashback and main story)
  • Prof. Lars Hansun (Single appearance) (Flashback only)




Synopsis for "Great Ant Circus!"

This story is reprinted from Strange Adventures #30.

Appearing in "Great Ant Circus!"

Featured Characters:

  • Bill and Ann Hanley (Single appearance)

Supporting Characters:


  • Giant Ants from Outer Space (Single appearance)

Other Characters:



  • Alien ants' robot slaves


  • A spaceship


  • "The Devil in Paradise!" was reprinted in Showcase Presents: Justice League of America Vol. 5 and Justice League of America Archives Vol. 10.
  • Although Black Canary thinks to herself in this issue that she still misses her late husband (Larry Lance), it was eventually revealed in Justice League of America #220 that this Black Canary was in fact the daughter of the late Dinah and Larry Lance with the mystically-implanted memories of her mother.
  • Batman Black Canary kiss 01
    In this issue, Batman and Black Canary show some kind of romantic interest in each other and eventually kiss. The romantic subplot fizzles out almost immediately but is referenced again in Justice League of America #88.
  • Black Canary somehow uses her not-yet fully mastered sonic powers to read the mind of Phyllis Temple in this issue. This is inconsistent with her power set as demonstrated in other appearances.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
