DC Database

"The Kid Who Won Hawkman's Wings!": Answering the Justice League mail, Green Arrow investigates a letter from an orphaned teenager, who claims to have powers like those of his idol, Hawkman, and to have become a crimefighter in Midway City. GA arrives in Midway City just in time to help young Ch

Quote1 Just my blasted luck! Supes gets called away on an emergency in the bottle-city of Kandor-- And I'm the guy on stand-by call who gets stuck with his shift! This is "justice"-- Passing up a date with a pretty bird to baby-sit with a slew of detection banks and monitor screens? I'll go crackers up here if I don't find something to do! Quote2
— Green Arrow

Justice League of America #116 is an issue of the series Justice League of America (Volume 1) with a cover date of March, 1975.

Synopsis for "The Kid Who Won Hawkman's Wings!"

Answering the Justice League mail, Green Arrow investigates a letter from an orphaned teenager, who claims to have powers like those of his idol, Hawkman, and to have become a crimefighter in Midway City. GA arrives in Midway City just in time to help young Charley Parker, alias Golden Eagle, escape a trap set by Hawkman's old enemy, the Matter Master, who has mistaken the youth for the real Winged Wonder. Batman, Elongated Man, Flash, and Aquaman join Green Arrow to battle a series of threats unleashed by the Matter Master's Meniachem wand, while Golden Eagle finds himself transported to the villain's hideway, where the Matter Master sits in a state like suspended animation while causing his wand to engage the Justice League heroes. Awakening to the realization that Golden Eagle is not the real Hawkman at all, and that his wand is responsible for Charley's acquiring super-powers (in unconscious anticipation of the villain's wish to battle and defeat a hero resembling Hawkman), the Matter Master is about to destroy Golden Eagle when the JLA intervenes and defeats him. As the case is closed and Parker returned to normal, the real Hawkman unexpectedly returns.

Appearing in "The Kid Who Won Hawkman's Wings!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Challenge of the Untouchable Aliens!"

This story is reprinted from Justice League of America #15.

While in their civilian guises Wonder Woman and Superman visit a flying military fortress, when it suddenly is knocked out of the sky. The two save the crew, but the ships primary weapon is removed and aimed at Central City. It is ultimately stopped by the two with the aid of the Flash. Deciding to solve the mystery behind the cannon, the trio call together the rest of the Justice League, and all agree to aid in figuring out the cause of the strange events.

Splitting up into groups they come across a series of stone giants whom are partially intangible, each group collecting devices that threaten to destroy various cities on Earth. These beings actually come from an alternate universe comprised of anti-matter which is slowly losing its vibrational sync causing it to merge with the Justice League's Earth. The result would cause the destruction of both worlds. The giants hope to destroy the cities on the JLA's Earth to avoid said catastrophe.

When the creatures were able to will the Green Lantern's power ring out of his hands due to their supreme will power, they played into the Lantern's trap, allowing the JLA to follow the stone creatures to their own reality. Realizing the truth of the situation, and that any attempt to move the giants cities would cause a powerful nuclear explosion (caused by bombs placed in the buildings that would be used against any invaders) the JLA instead work together with the giants to prevent their worlds from merging, with Green Lantern restoring the vibrational barrier between worlds with his power ring.

Appearing in "The Challenge of the Untouchable Aliens!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Mastermind of Menaces!"

This story is reprinted from The Brave and the Bold #61.

Starman's old nemesis, The Mist, is back to his criminal ways. Using flowers from Dinah Lance's flower shop, secretly sprayed with a special chemical, he hypnotizes people into surrendering their riches to him. Starman teams up with Black Canary to bring an end to Mist's dirty gains.

Appearing in "Mastermind of Menaces!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Alan Moreland (Single appearance)
  • Charles Prentice (Single appearance)
  • Freda van Taller (Single appearance)


  • Park City
    • Drake Flower Shoppe
    • Park City Observatory



  • None

Synopsis for "Mr. Nobody"

This story is reprinted from Comic Cavalcade #19.

Johnny Peril (identified only as "Mr. Nobody") is wanted by the police by a murder he didn't commit. He meets a little runaway girl and buys her a milk glass. When Nobody is taking her to his hide... I means, place, the little girl helps an elderly lady cross the street. The old woman thanks her, and says that she will have three wishes, and Nobody's trouble will pass... and then, she disappears.

Appearing in "Mr. Nobody"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Joan Fleming
  • An elderly lady (See Notes)


  • Ma Flack
  • Biff Flack
  • Cops
  • Real killer (Dies)

Other Characters:

  • Judge
  • Orphanage female workers
  • Joan's parents





  • "Mister Nobody" appears in this issue, and his real name is not given. The cover of this issue retroactively established Nobody as an alias of Johnny Peril, making that his first appearance. The identity of the elderly lady is left to the reader's imagination. She can be a djinn, an angel or even the Fairy Godmother.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

JLA v.1 21
Multiversal Crossover
The events from this issue or series involve a Multiversal Crossover between Pre-Crisis worlds and characters. This template will categorize articles that include it into the Pre-Crisis Multiverse Crossover category.
See also Post-Crisis Multiverse Crossovers.