DC Database

Jan Williams was a little girl who was adopted by Wonder Woman after her parents went missing and were presumed dead. When her parents turned up alive she was returned to them.

Jan's family was in a plane crash, and she became separated from her parents in the wreckage. When Wonder Woman arrived at the crash site she found Jan unconscious on a piece of wing and could find no other survivors. Upon waking in the hospital Jan asked to greet and say goodbye to her hero before being placed in an orphanage, but wasn't able to maintain her brave face and asked Wonder Woman to keep her out of an orphanage. While Wonder Woman initially walked away, she found that she felt guilty and turned back and said she'd adopt Jan before she even left the hospital.

After rescuing the father of one of Jan's schoolmates, a salvage diver who had been trapped in a sunken ship, Wonder Woman coincidentally came across Jan's biological parents in a canoe.



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Wonder Woman Supporting Cast
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