DC Database

Quote1 As your interim mayor, I know my recent appointment was sudden and perhaps a bit of a shock to some. Quite frankly, I was shocked. What is important now is the future of this great city. Quote2
— Holden Pritchard src

Holden Pritchard served as interim mayor of Gotham City for a short period of time after Sofia Falcone forced Mayor Burke to leave town and go into hiding for several months.

When Sofia Falcone secretly ordered Mayor Burke to promote James Gordon to the position of GCPD captain, Penguin tried to locate the mayor in order to learn the name of the person who suggested the appointment. However, Cobblepot was not able to find him, since Sofia had ordered Burke to leave Gotham City for the time being.[1]

Following Burke's disappearance, Holden Pritchard became the interim mayor of Gotham City. Pritchard met with Commissioner Reynolds and several other influential citizens from Gotham's elite at Gotham City Hall to discuss the recent crime wave caused by Jerome Valeska and his Legion of Horribles. Suddenly, the meeting was interrupted by Mr. Freeze and Mad Hatter, who abducted the interim mayor along with the other dignitaries in attendance and took them to a van waiting in front of the building. Jerome Valeska, Penguin, Firefly and Scarecrow were already waiting there. All of Pritchard's attempts to bargain with the criminals were futile and Valeska had Crane demonstrate the effectiveness of his new Laughing Venom by spraying Gloria Bainbridge with it. The next day, the Legion members crashed the Gotham Music Festival in Paisley Square and took the interim mayor along with the other surviving hostages Commissioner Reynolds, Archbishop McGregor and Gertrude Haverstock onto the stage. Valeska demanded his brother Jeremiah Valeska and Bruce Wayne in exchange for the hostages and proceeded to kill the Commissioner and the Archbishop with neck bombs as examples. The GCPD was eventually able to thwart Jerome's plans to infect the crowd at Paisley Square with laughing gas and managed to rescue Holden Pritchard and Gertrude Haverstock.[2]

After Jeremiah Valeska blew up the Gotham Clock Tower, he demanded the city to be evacuated within six hours before numerous other bombs would destroy Gotham City. Interim Mayor Pritchard went to GCPD Headquarters where Harvey Bullock informed him that they have no choice but to go ahead with the evacuation order.[3]

A few hours later, Burke finally resurfaced after many weeks and returned to his position as mayor, succeeding interim mayor Pritchard. However, Mayor Burke was murdered shortly afterwards when a bomb planted at Gotham City Hall on orders of Ra's al Ghul and Jeremiah Valeska exploded, destroying the whole building and instantly killing Burke, the new GCPD Commissioner and all the other people inside city hall.[4]


  • Holden Pritchard was portrayed by Peter McRobbie.


