DC Database

"The More Things Change...": One month ago, Hal's ring had lost power right when he was flying in Earth's low orbit, leaving him on freefall. Fortunately, Hal is able to jumpstart the ring with his willpower and regain altitude before hitting the ground. He finds himself in the middle of Afric

Quote1 What if this is him calling you out? Letting you know he knows where you are? Quote2
— Carol Ferris

Green Lantern (Volume 7) #3 is an issue of the series Green Lantern (Volume 7) with a cover date of November, 2023. It was published on September 12, 2023.

Synopsis for "The More Things Change..."

One month ago, Hal's ring had lost power right when he was flying in Earth's low orbit, leaving him on freefall. Fortunately, Hal is able to jumpstart the ring with his willpower and regain altitude before hitting the ground. He finds himself in the middle of Africa, surrounded by nothing but wildlife. His ring isn't equipped with an AI to translate foreign language and can't even take Hal into outer space before powering down. Hal even wonders what kind of ring he is wearing right now, considering it's similarities to the ring he got from Abin Sur. He can make constructs of various colors and increase their size by modifying their width and transparency. Acknowledging he lives in interesting times, Hal decides to go home.

In the present, Sinestro breaks into a corporate building occupied by aliens known as the Llarans, who have been using camouflage to disguise themselves as humans. He has come to request asistance from the guild for a specific goal and says the Legion of Doom will reward them if they agree to help them. One of the Llarans calls bluff on Sinestro's offer, because he is aware that Lex Luthor is imprisoned and the other members are in state of disarray.

Sinestro switches tactics and tells the guild to give them what he wants and, in exchange, he won't notify the heroes of Earth and the guild's own overlords about the guild. He wants people willing to partake in his next mission and, while the Llaran CEO says that he doesn't know much about people, he has something else that could grab Sinestro's interest. Something better.

Later that night, Sinestro and a group of animal-like metahumans attack Ferris Aircraft. While the metahumans fight the facility's security forces, Sinestro walks deep into the hangar.

The next day, Hal, using his Green Lantern powers, plays baseball with a group of children, with Kilowing sitting on the stands. Suddenly, he gets a message from Carol, who needs Hal to see her at Ferris Air. He reaches her when she is stepping out of her jet and says that Nathan, her boyfriend, is finishing up Ferris Air's deal with the Pentagon. Hal's happiness for Carol is short-lived, however, when Carol asks him if there is something happening with Hal that he is not telling her. Hal himself is confused, until Carol shows him a security video that depicts Sinestro breaking into Ferris Air.

According to Carol, three employees were killed while a dozen others were left injured. Hal promises to find Sinestro, but Carol wonders whether Sinestro deliberately attacked Ferris Air just to provoke Hal, who can only apologize to Carol for causing her trouble. Carol also apologizes to Hal as they both sit silently in the jet.

Sometime later, Hal tries to enjoy a cup of coffee at a diner while contemplating how he is gonna stop Sinestro. As fate would have it, Hal comes face-to-face with Sinestro at the diner.

Appearing in "The More Things Change..."

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • The Guild (First appearance)
    • Llarans (First appearance)
      • Sandra (First appearance)
  • Sinestro (Also as an hologram)

Other characters:




  • Ferris Flight 118


Synopsis for "Rise of the Revenant Queen, Part Three"

In an alternate universe, Lantern Sheperd watches John Stewart, Guardian of the Corps, fight against the Revenant Queen and her Radiant Dead. John's power has evolved to the point that he no longer needs a ring to make constructs. He no longer wears a uniform. Instead, his power covers his entire skin and he can manipulate that power to create unkillable warriors to fight the army of the dead. Realzing the battle is lost, the Revenant Queen escapes to another universe but promises to kill John when she returns.

John knows that, as long as she lives, the Revenant Queen will always be a threat, which is why he tasks Sheperd to find the Queen and stop whatever she has planned. To find her, Sheperd will have to find the John Stewart of whichever universe the Queen has escaped into.

Meanwhile, at Universe-0, John sits at the steps of his mother's house and has a quiet conversation with a hologram of Guy Gardner. Guy asks John how long is he planning to stay with his mother and John admits that he has been a Green Lantern for so long that he feels that it's the only thing he is good at, but his mother doesn't have long to live and he wants to stay with her, no matter what happens.

Up into the night sky, a Star Sapphire ring manifests above John's home.

Appearing in "Rise of the Revenant Queen, Part Three"

Featured Characters:

  • Green Lantern Corps (Unknown Earth)
    • The Guardian (John Stewart) (First appearance as The Guardian)
    • Sheperd

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
