DC Database

"The Day 100,000 People Vanished!": When the entire population of Valdale suddenly vanishes, Green Lantern's astral form is summoned by the Guardians of the Universe. The Guardians tell him of [[Thaal Sinestro (New Earth)|S

Quote1 You Qwardians have failed in three attempts to destroy your mortal enemy, Green Lantern of Earth. And the reason is that you are not evil enough! I shall teach you how to be the ultimate in evil! Quote2
— Sinestro

Green Lantern (Volume 2) #7 is an issue of the series Green Lantern (Volume 2) with a cover date of August, 1961.

Synopsis for "The Day 100,000 People Vanished!"

When the entire population of Valdale suddenly vanishes, Green Lantern's astral form is summoned by the Guardians of the Universe. The Guardians tell him of Sinestro, an alien they chose to be the Green Lantern of Korugar. However, Sinestro abused his powers and used them to enslave his planet and install himself as dictator.

Sinestro turns evil

The Renegade Green Lantern

As punishment, the Guardians stripped Sinestro of his powers and banished him to Qward in the Antimatter Universe. They then warn that Sinestro has formed an alliance with the Weaponers of Qward to finally defeat the Green Lantern, by potentially exploiting his vulnerability when his power ring's 24 hour charge runs out. Part of the plan was to transport people from Valdale to Qward in a sweeping attempt to capture Green Lantern, who was scheduled to be in that town.

Sinestro evil rant

Sinestro rants

Having his mind returned to his body (this time, allowing Green Lantern to remember his encounter) Hal flies to the next city which is targeted by Sinestro. In order to prevent the people there from being transported to Qward, Green Lantern makes them all invisible, and only he is transported to Qward. There he battles the Qwardian Weaponers, however surrenders when Sinestro promises to return the people of Valedale to Earth. In doing so, Green Lantern is incased in a yellow bubble, and Sinestro and the Qwardians time the moments left in the power ring's charge. However, when they release Green Lantern they are shocked to find he still has power in his ring and is able to defeat them all.

He reveals to Sinestro that he had found a tiny hole in the yellow bubble he was trapped in and used his power ring to fire compressed air at the clock they were watching to make it reach the 24 hour mark faster so that they would think that his ring ran out of power when it still had some time left. He then imprisons Sinestro in a force bubble of his own before returning to Earth and appearing at an opening of a Boys Settlement House in Valedale.

Appearing in "The Day 100,000 People Vanished!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Korugarans (First appearance) (Flashback only)
    • Ki-Mon (Flashback only) (Single appearance)




  • None

Synopsis for "Wings of Destiny!"

Tegra 02

Tegra and Pieface

Sleeping one night, Hal Jordan has a dream about Pieface convincing him to change him into a bird with his power ring. This causes Green Lantern's ring to activate and send a beam out which changes Pieface into a seagull. When Hal goes to get Pieface for work the next morning, he finds that Pieface doesn't answer his door (Pie is freaking out at the sight of being a seagull for a reason he can't figure out.) Hal goes to work and finds a letter from Pieface's childhood sweetheart Tegra who is coming from Alaska to visit him.

Hal decides to rush out there to meet Tegra so that she isn't stuck waiting at the airport, while Pieface -- still a seagull -- flies to the airport as well. Hal arrives to find that the plane has been hijacked by some crooks and force it to take to the air again with Tegra still on board. Hal attacks the crooks as Green Lantern, but is knocked out momentarily when the plane hits a pocket of turbulence and he bangs his head on a seat. Before he can be shot, Pieface breaks through the window and distracts the crooks long enough for Hal to stop them and land the plane. After he turns the crooks over to the police, Green Lantern realizes that the seagull (watching it take special interest in Tegra) is really Pie and uses his power ring to change him back to normal.

Pie and Tegra then later go out on a double date with Hal and Carol Ferris.

Appearing in "Wings of Destiny!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Escaped Convicts

Other Characters:




  • None



See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
