DC Database

"The Diabolical Dr Ub'x": After revealing his true form, Doctor Ub'X defeats and captures the Green Lantern Corps of Earth, including his long-time enemy, Ch'p. Ub'x proceeds to relate his history with Ch'p, which dates back to "fourteen exals ago."

Quote1 The sun's too bright on this stupid planet! It makes my eyes water...! Quote2
— Salakk

Green Lantern Corps #203 is an issue of the series Green Lantern Corps (Volume 1) with a cover date of August, 1986. It was published on May 15, 1986.

Synopsis for "The Diabolical Dr Ub'x"

After revealing his true form, Doctor Ub'X defeats and captures the Green Lantern Corps of Earth, including his long-time enemy, Ch'p. Ub'x proceeds to relate his history with Ch'p, which dates back to "fourteen exals ago."

Back then, Ub'x was the ruler of half of his galaxy, and he tried to extend his conquest to the planet H'lven. His army defeated the resistance and imprisoned its leader, Ch'p. In jail, Ch'p received the visit of a Guardian of the Universe who offered him a power ring, whose previous wielder died fighting off the invasion. Ch'p accepted the job and defended H'lven from Ub'x. Both of them clashed time and time again, and the doctor learned new things about Ch'p's ring with each encounter.

In time, Ub'x learned the Green Lantern's identity and kidnapped his girlfriend, M'nn'e. Again, Ch'p defeated him, but since there are no cages on H'lven, Ch'p left him free, not without warning Ub'x that he would get no mercy the next time they met. The doctor exiled to an island, where he spent years mixing science and sorcery to create his master weapon to counter the Green Lantern's ring: the Sucker Stick. With the staff that allowed him to learn about the Guardians of the Universe and the Green Lantern Corps, Ub'x also learned about the imminent Crisis. So he preserved his existence in an energy form while the universe around him reconfigured. Trailing Ch'p, Ub'x found him heading to Earth, so that's when he contacted Doctor Polaris and convinced him to form a team to destroy the Green Lantern Corps, although Ub'x tried using three different bodies before he could restore his physical body.

When the villains learn that Ub'x wants to rule Earth as well as H'lven, Sonar revels against him but also falls victim to Ub'x's Sucker Stick. At that moment, Ch'p mumbles while unconscious, mentioning his home planet, his friends, and how they all got erased during the Crisis. Ub'x realizes that if he killed Ch'p, he would end up completely alone, with nothing from his pre-Crisis self. As his willpower wavers, the Green Lanterns wake up and escape from their cages. Ub'x attempts to escape and, his body starts to dissolve, no longer controlling the power that kept him alive. Refusing to let the last person of his pre-Crisis universe die, Ch'p saves his enemy, and both hug each other, finding a new unlikely friendship. Witnessing the scene, Salakk claims that the Earth's sun is too bright it makes his eyes water.

Appearing in "The Diabolical Dr Ub'x"

Featured Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Guardians of the Universe
  • M'nn'e (Flashback only)
  • D'll (Flashback only)
  • Crabster Army (Flashback only)
  • B'gul Bears
  • Chick Fury (Flashback only)
  • Battle Beaver (Flashback only)
  • Mole Patrol (Flashback only)




  • Ub'x's armada


See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
