DC Database

"They Say It'll Kill Me... But They Won't Say When!": This story is reprinted from Green Lantern (Volume 2) #86.

Quote1 I'm sharing a very small piece of the pain I've just gone through these past few days. The kind of pain thousands of kids are going through every day because an uncaring and unthinking society turns its back on them. Drugs are a symptom... and you... like the rest of society... attack the symptom... not the disease! But this symptom is worse than most -- it maims... it pains... it dims you. It drives you to the edge of insanity and over... and one day ends your trip on a slab in the morgue... with a tag around your toe. Quote2
— Speedy

Green Lantern/Green Arrow #6 is an issue of the series Green Lantern/Green Arrow (Volume 1) published in 1983.

Synopsis for "They Say It'll Kill Me... But They Won't Say When!"

This story is reprinted from Green Lantern (Volume 2) #86.

Green Arrow is enraged to discover that his ward Roy Harper is addicted to heroin, punching him, and throwing him out of his tenement. Even so, Oliver doubts his own self-righteousness, and sets out to bring the dealers who ensnared his ward to justice. When both have left, two of the remaining junkies that had associated with Roy break into the tenement hoping to find him, but they are distracted when they find Roy's abandoned drug paraphernalia. They decide to get high, but soon one of them collapses - dead from an overdose. His companion runs away.

An hour later, Hal Jordan has suspicions about Speedy's explanation for why some youngsters turn to drugs and decides to investigate as Green Lantern. When he arrives at Oliver's house, he discovers the junkie's corpse. Green Lantern finds Roy hiding in an alley, and Roy admits his addiction. He refuses a doctor's help, and plans to go cold-turkey to spite Oliver. Lantern decides to take Roy to the home of Dinah Lance to deal with his problems.
Meanwhile, Green Arrow returns to the warehouse where the dealers were meeting with the junkies, searching for evidence. Despite a broken arm, he overpowers one of the dealers and gets the information he needs. He follows the lead to a boat, where he is soon attacked and subdued by a man named Saloman Hooper. Hooper's men knock Arrow off the pier while he is tied to an anchor, but he uses an acetylene trick arrow to free himself. Arrow and Lantern track Hooper to the Caribbean, where he visits his drug lab. They angrily attack and capture Hooper and his lab technician.

Later, Oliver, Hal, Dinah, and Roy attend the funeral of the junkie who overdosed in the tenement. Roy confronts his mentor, angrily blaming him for his recently kicked addiction, and storming off. Despite this, Oliver is visibly proud of his ward.

Appearing in "They Say It'll Kill Me... But They Won't Say When!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Saloman Hooper (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Drug Addicts
  • Angie (Single appearance)
  • Hiram (Single appearance)
  • Miranda (Single appearance)
  • Mrs. Soo (Single appearance)



Synopsis for "Beware My Power!"

This story is reprinted from Green Lantern (Volume 2) #87.

As Green Lantern charges his ring, an earthquake hits Coast City. He investigates, saving lives, including that of his friend Guy Gardner who is injured after being hit by a bus. Hal worries that with Guy out of commission, there will be no one to replace him if something goes wrong. Suddenly, the image of one of the Guardians of the Universe appears, stating that there must be an alternate replacement selected.

The Guardians lead Green Lantern to a ghetto where John Stewart is standing up to a police officer. Hal has his doubts about Stewart, but the Guardian is insistent. After Hal explains the job, John Stewart accepts, joking that he will need to be called the "Black Lantern". Hal teaches John the Oath, and gives John a ring. Hal creates a Green Lantern uniform for John, but John refuses to wear the domino mask; he tosses it aside, saying "This black man lets it all hang out! I've got nothing to hide!"

Together, the Lanterns deal with a protest against Jeremiah Clutcher, a racist senator, but John seems ambivalent. Hal assigns John to protect Senator Clutcher, to teach him a lesson, but when a would-be assassin attacks Clutcher, John refuses to act, and Hal is forced to chase the assassin down by himself. Despite his earlier inaction, John thwarts a gunman from killing a nearby policeman.

When Hal returns to chastise John Stewart, John reveals that he had seen both gunmen earlier, and allowed the assassin to escape because he knew the gun contained blanks. Both shootings were part of a ploy to make it seem as though John was on a rampage, and Clutcher was a hero. Afterwards, Hal admits that he's not a fan of John's style but however nonetheless accepts him as a recruit, to which the other replies that style is no more important than the color of one's skin.

Appearing in "Beware My Power!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Senator Jeremiah Clutcher

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "What Can One Man Do?"

This story is reprinted from Green Lantern (Volume 2) #87.

Star City Mayor Jack Major decides not to run for re-election, prompting his staff to search for a suitable replacement, and Oliver Queen's name comes up. Meanwhile, Oliver is struggling with feelings of uselessness, and wonders whether his alter-ego of Green Arrow is worth keeping up.

When the Mayor's representatives present their offer to Oliver, he calls up his Justice League friends for advice, but they are all discouraging. He resigns himself to being Green Arrow, and heads to Dinah Lance's place across town.

On his way, Oliver comes across an angry mob, and as he wades through it, he watches as a young black boy is shot in the back before his eyes. He carries the boy to one of the many ambulances waiting on the periphery, which rushes the boy to the hospital, but unfortunately the youngster dies in the operating room. A devastated Green Arrow walks away into the night.

Later, Oliver visits Dinah, where he reveals that his experiences dealing with the riot have inspired him to run for mayor.

Appearing in "What Can One Man Do?"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Rioters

Other Characters:






  • In "Beware My Power", John Stewart stops an out-of-control fuel truck from ploughing into a crowd at the airport. The truck is shown to bear the name SOES, which is an obvious anagram of ESSO — the international tradename of ExxonMobil, the American multinational oil and gas corporation.
  • The sequence in "What Can One Man Do?" involving the death in hospital of the young black boy shot during the riot, and the deeply-saddened Green Arrow walking away through the darkened streets, is accompanied by part of A Farewell to Arms, the 1929 semi-autobiographical novel by Ernest Hemingway.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
