DC Database

"Yearbook Part Two": Maps Mizoguchi is on the hunt for some interesting stories about the teachers of Gotham Academy for her yearbook.

Quote1 C'mon Olive! You've gotta know some kinda good story to go in the teacher section of my yearbook. Quote2
— Maps Mizoguchi

Gotham Academy #15 is an issue of the series Gotham Academy (Volume 1) with a cover date of April, 2016. It was published on February 10, 2016.

Synopsis for "Yearbook Part Two"

Maps Mizoguchi is on the hunt for some interesting stories about the teachers of Gotham Academy for her yearbook.

Appearing in "Yearbook Part Two"

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Synopsis for "Staff Party"

At the Academy staff party Kirk Langstrom is disgusted by the egg-central buffet but is quickly swept away by an energetic Professor MacPhearson leaving Mister Scarlett to read his book.

Meanwhile, Maps and Colton sit bored waiting for something interesting to occur.

Appearing in "Staff Party"

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Synopsis for "Serpents & Secrets"

One evening, while playing a game of Serpents & Secrets, a bird flies into Olive and Maps' room and requests that they help free it from being trapped within its avian body.

The girls are quickly transported into a fantasy world with a roll of the dice and are taken through a labyrinth of monsters until they reach the evil behind it all - the Lich. The undead wizard soon reveals the bird's treachery and knocks Maps away, shocking Olive into reality.

Stood before them is Jonathan Crane, the Scarecrow, who used his fear toxin to steal a book. Before he can escape Headmaster Hammer knocks him out and sends the girls away, intending to interrogate Crane about why he wanted Hammer's wife's locket.

Appearing in "Serpents & Secrets"

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Synopsis for "Hammin' Around"

After his owner leaves to teach, Ham the dog escapes jumps through the window and walks around the campus of Gotham Academy. He finds a quiet spot and has a quick nap before Tristan Grey finds him and the two relax together.

Appearing in "Hammin' Around"

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  • During the Staff Party various songs are played including David Bowie's "Let's Dance" and Wavves' "My Head Hurts".
  • Also during the Staff Party, one professor continues to make egg puns and is dressed like Egghead from the 1966 Batman TV series.
  • Serpents and Secrets is a riff on Dungeons and Dragons, the table-top role playing game, and some elements of the game are used including the Lich and mentions of a Beholder.

See Also

Links and References
