DC Database

"The Unity Saga, Pt 3": Livewire attacks S.T.A.R. Labs in an attempt to use the technology there to boost her powers. The scientists there are trying to contain the Phantom Zone event created at their lab and they think Livewire was responsible for the problem at hand. Livewire denies responsibi

Quote1 Well Jax-Ur... are you done walking the wasteland telling tales of yesteryear? Or do you want to help? Quote2
— Rogol Zaar

Superman (Volume 5) #3 is an issue of the series Superman (Volume 5) with a cover date of November, 2018. It was published on September 12, 2018.

Synopsis for "The Unity Saga, Pt 3"

Livewire attacks S.T.A.R. Labs in an attempt to use the technology there to boost her powers. The scientists there are trying to contain the Phantom Zone event created at their lab and they think Livewire was responsible for the problem at hand. Livewire denies responsibility, but Superman arrives at S.T.A.R. Labs and he too believes Livewire was the culprit. Angry, Livewire attacks Superman but her electric blasts have no effect on the Man of Steel, who sternly convinces Livewire to stand down and help the people at S.T.A.R. Labs save the world.

Superman then asks the S.T.A.R. Labs scientists what happened, and one of the scientists informs him that S.T.A.R. Labs was trying to map the Phantom Zone but, due to some unforeseen circumstances, their portal grew unstable and Phantom Zone matter began pouring into their world. Superman is forced to tell them the bad news: their experiments caused the Phantom Zone to swallow up the entire planet.

Meanwhile, far away from Earth, Rogol Zaar lights up a small campfire and attempts to plan out his next move. Suddenly, a stranger approaches Rogol. It is Jax-Ur, the killer of one of Krypton's moon. Rogol is well-aware of who Jax-Ur is, saying that if it wasn't for General Zod, Jax-Ur would be remembered as Krypton's most notorious criminal. Jax-Ur is curious to know why Rogol is bearing the symbol of the House of El, saying that bearing such a symbol in the Phantom Zone is dangerous, but Rogol doesn't care. Suddenly, a group of Phantom Zone prisoners surround Rogol. They are people Jax-Ur had become acquainted to and they attack Rogol on Jax-Ur's command. Rogol, however, is ready for a fight.

Superman and his friends from the Justice League do their best to maintain order across the world, stopping multiple disasters and saving lives. Making things difficult for them is the Phantom Zone's poisonous atmosphere, which has incapacitated Batman and severely weakened Flash. Aquaman is curious to know what happened to Earth's old place in the Solar System now that Earth is trapped within the Phantom Zone.

Meanwhile, outside the Phantom Zone, Adam Strange hovers alone in space, wondering what happened to Earth. He says that if the Earth's disappearance is a joke, he doesn't find it funny.

Rogol has already defeated the criminals Jax-Ur had summoned against him. He didn't kill them, however, because he needs an army to invade Earth and take revenge on the last son of the House of El. With his allies defeated, Jax-Ur stands alone, but Rogol convinces him to go to war against Earth.

Meanwhile, an angry mob loots the streets of Metropolis until Superman sternly convinces them to stand down. The dejected citizens agree to stop causing trouble while an impressed Jimmy takes pictures. Shortly afterwards, Superman goes to the Hall of Justice, where the brightest minds of the Justice League have gathered to develop a plan to save the Earth. He informs the Justice League scientists about what happened at S.T.A.R. Labs and he needs a solution now. Ray Palmer agrees to travel to S.T.A.R. Labs in order to find a solution, while Superman hears a sound of fury out in deep space. He flies into Earth's low orbit and finds Rogol's army ready to attack. Superman knows he must buy enough time for his friends to save Earth and he prepares for battle.

Appearing in "The Unity Saga, Pt 3"

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Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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