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"The Once and Always King": The Demon Knights prepare to engage combat with a sea serpent commanded by pirates. The pirate captain introduces the pirates as the sea serpent Nosy Molly before the Demon Knights attack. Working together the Demon Knights disable the serpent, knocking its crew into

Quote1 --It's time to summon our own monster. Concealed within the form of man-- is the terror that is Etrigan! Quote2
— Jason Blood

Demon Knights #10 is an issue of the series Demon Knights (Volume 1) with a cover date of August, 2012. It was published on June 13, 2012.

Synopsis for "The Once and Always King"

The Demon Knights prepare to engage combat with a sea serpent commanded by pirates. The pirate captain introduces the pirates as the sea serpent Nosy Molly before the Demon Knights attack. Working together the Demon Knights disable the serpent, knocking its crew into the ocean then subsequently capturing them, and are able to tether the creature to their own ship to guard against other sea monsters. Xanadu and Jason Blood remark how the seas have changed since their last time there.

Once ashore, the group turns the pirates in and determine that they are in Cornwall - still quite a distance from their objective. At a tavern a local tells the knights that the monstrous creatures they saw at sea and the beasts plaguing them on land seem to be coming from the ruins of Camelot. The group departs and is set upon by an enormous dire wolf. After a short battle, the beast is killed and the enchantment wears off, transforming it back to it's natural wolf form.

The next day the group reaches the outskirts of the ruins of Camelot. They deduce that the magic effecting the animals is enhancing their natural forms. When they reach Camelot, they are surprised to see a monolithic tower radiating eerie green light and are immediately attacked by the skeletal form of King Arthur. After a short battle with Etrigan, the dark magic over the area starts to transform the group into ghastly monsters.

Appearing in "The Once and Always King"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • The Nosy Molly Crew (Single appearance)
    • Nosy Molly the Sea Serpent (Real name revealed) (First full appearance)
  • Wolves (Flashback and main story)
    • Magical-powered Wolf (Single appearance) (Mutated)

Other Characters:

  • King Arthur (Zombified) (Cameo)
  • Giant Octopus (First appearance) (Flashback only) (Cameo)
  • Saxons
  • Godwin (Mentioned only)
  • Gwyn Godwinson's mother (Unnamed) (Mentioned only)
  • Romans (Mentioned only)
  • Vikings (Mentioned only)




  • Ship


See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
