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"The Parallax View": Kyle Rayner recovers weakly from an attack by Princess Fern of the city of Electropolis. She notes that while he was definitely the challenger chosen for her to fight by the entity called Telos, his

Quote1 But I'll never know what it's like to be so blinded by power that murdering an entire city seems like the right thing to do. I'll never see things your way. I'll never understand the Parallax view. Quote2
— Kyle Rayner

Convergence: Green Lantern/Parallax #2 is an issue of the series Convergence: Green Lantern/Parallax (Volume 1) with a cover date of July, 2015. It was published on May 13, 2015.

Synopsis for "The Parallax View"

Kyle Rayner recovers weakly from an attack by Princess Fern of the city of Electropolis. She notes that while he was definitely the challenger chosen for her to fight by the entity called Telos, his companion was unknown to her. Kyle explains that that was Parallax - and if he has truly gone to Electropolis to destroy it, she had best devote her attentions there, because his is the more serious threat.

Parallax, once Hal Jordan, has not forgotten Kyle's kindness to him over the last year, while he was deprived of his powers and voluntarily jailed himself for the murders he committed in anger. But now that Hal's power has returned, he is again victim to some more evil influence. In Electropolis, he freely destroys and kills in the name of saving Metropolis, claiming it as justice for Princess Fern's attack. Unlike Kyle, though, he believes sacrifices must be made for the greater good - and the sacrifices in question are the lives of Electropolis' citizens, whether they're guilty or not.

He turns his attention to the citadel where the Prime Minister worries what to do about the attack, as the king and queen will not come back from their mission to defend the city. Fortunately, Kyle comes to their rescue, knocking Parallax away. He offers the ministers a deal: they should recall Princess Fern and her troops from Metropolis in exchange for his dealing with Parallax. Unfortunately, though the Prime Minister agrees, his message to Fern is hijacked by his military general, who orders the princess to lay waste to Metropolis while its protectors are distracted.

Kyle, meanwhile, tries to get through to Hal, but attacks by Electropolis' military are only angering Hal, and Kyle worries that there won't be anything but Parallax left if they keep hitting him with electricity. The shocks break his concentration enough to prevent him from using the will-powered Green Lantern Rings, and when Hal drops to the ground, Kyle reaches out his hand, offering that if the real Hal is in there, he should take it. Despite taking his hand, Hal's sick line of thinking persists. He believes it's not worth the risk of abandoning an attack on Electropolis to turn on Telos, if he could instead declare them the losers. Kyle warns that he can't stand by and let Hal fulfill his plan. Hal agrees, and send Kyle back to Metropolis against his will.

Kyle is naturally horrified when he sees that Princess Fern is still there, wreaking havoc. Sadly, he admits that he has to take her on at the cost of her home city. He has no choice now. Though he can withstand their electrical weapons, he is surprised when Fern retaliates with plant control abilities. His righteous rage builds his willpower and he breaks free of her vines, trapping him, and warns that he no longer has any recourse. He must fight her fire with fire.

Before he can attack her, though, Telos' voice rings out, announcing that Metropolis has won - that Electropolis has been utterly eradicated by Parallax. Sadly, Kyle tries to explain that he had tried to stop Hal, but she disappears before his eyes. Kyle is disappointed, having held on to hope that Hal would be able to do what was right.

Worriedly, he asks his ring to tell him where Hal is, but it can't locate him anywhere on the planet. Kyle must admit to himself that the real Hal was gone the moment that the dome fell, and all that was left was Parallax.

Appearing in "The Parallax View"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • The Prime Minister (Earth-Six) (Unnamed) (Dies)
  • Princess Fern (Earth-Six) (Dies)
    • Electropolis' Army (Earth-Six) (All die)
      • The General (Unnamed) (Dies)

Other Characters:





Synopsis for "Divergence: Lobo"

Lobo is on the hunt for Cyrus Ursvass, a viscount of Vaalko Multiversal. The company had begun as a corporation and developed into a religious order - and then into a crime organization. As such, someone hoping to climb the ladder would naturally hire an assassin like Lobo. Someone tipped Ursvass off, though. So, Lobo has thought one step ahead by getting inside his house and his wife. While he appears distracted, Ursvass sneaks up on him, only to have Lobo turn and point a gun at him. The fact is that when you tempt a man with something he wants, he will come - but if you take something he already has, he'll come faster.

After dispatching Ursvass and stealing a kiss from his wife again, Lobo finds himself surrounded by the dead man's guards - whom he quickly deals with as well. In tackling the last of them, though they plunge through a window, and drop in a freefall into oncoming air-traffic. He kills his victim and orders a passing car to get him onto the ground.

As he makes his getaway, Lobo admits that he feels bad that Ursvass' wife had to take the fall for him - but it does make things easier. Eventually she'll realize that it's only business. As he watches the police take her away, he receives news that Sinestro has a very lucrative, kill-only bounty on his head.

Appearing in "Divergence: Lobo"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Cyrus Ursvass (Single appearance; dies)
  • Sinestro (Holographic image only)
  • Xaria





See Also

Links and References
