DC Database

Dorian Harewood (b. August 6, 1950) voiced Ron Troupe for the animated series Superman, Armory for the animated series Batman Beyond, J'onn J'onzz for the animated series The Batman, and took over the role of Mar Londo for the animated series Legion of Super-Heroes from Harry Lennix.

Work History

Acting Credits

Batman: The Animated Series 1992-1995 Dan Riley
     "The Forgotten" October 8, 1992 Dan Riley
Superman: The Animated Series 1996-2000 Ron Troupe
     "The Last Son of Krypton, Part II" September 6, 1996 Ron Troupe
     "The Hand of Fate" October 9, 1997 Ron Troupe
Superman: The Last Son of Krypton September 6, 1996 Ron Troupe
The New Batman Adventures 1997-1999 Judge
     "Critters" September 19, 1998 Judge
Batman Beyond 1999-2001 James Tate
     "Spellbound" May 1, 1999 James Tate
     "Armory" March 11, 2000 James Tate/Armory
Static Shock 2000-2004 Various
     "Future Shock" January 17, 2004 Warden
Kobra Member
The Batman 2004-2008 J'onn J'onzz
     "The Joining (Part I)" April 28, 2007 J'onn J'onzz
     "The Joining (Part II)" May 5, 2007 J'onn J'onzz
     "Lost Heroes, Part I" March 8, 2008 J'onn J'onzz
     "Lost Heroes, Part II" March 22, 2008 J'onn J'onzz
Legion of Super-Heroes 2006-2008 Mar Londo
     "Cry Wolf" October 6, 2007 Mar Londo

External Links

