DC Database

"Legacy, Part One: Progeny of the Demon": At the site of the fabled wheel of plagues, Batman, Nightwing and Robin encounter Ra's al Ghul, Talia and the latest Ubu. Ra's orders all three killed by his gunmen, to the disappointment of Ubu, who is pledged to Talia and wished to k

Quote1 Damn the physics -- we're not going to die. We're not. I... won't... LET US! Quote2
— Batman

Detective Comics #700 is an issue of the series Detective Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of August, 1996.

Synopsis for "Legacy, Part One: Progeny of the Demon"

At the site of the fabled wheel of plagues, Batman, Nightwing and Robin encounter Ra's al Ghul, Talia and the latest Ubu. Ra's orders all three killed by his gunmen, to the disappointment of Ubu, who is pledged to Talia and wished to kill 'the Detective' himself. As the heroes do battle with his followers, Ra's makes his plans to unleash a virus which will destroy 90% of the world's population. Having made a computer model of the wheel of plagues, he plans to destroy it and head for the new world. As the area floods, Batman and Robin are trapped in the water in a rapidly-filling cistern until the air pressure catapults them out, while Nightwing confronts al Ghul. Ra's has the upper hand in this match, but as Robin and Batman arrive on the scene, he makes his escape along with Talia and Ubu (revealed as Bane). Meanwhile, below ground, the water is rising in Catwoman's cell.

Appearing in "Legacy, Part One: Progeny of the Demon"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Eritrius (Mentioned only)
  • Hassim (Single appearance)






  • It is revealed that Ra's al Ghul developed the Ebola Gulf-A virus and that the Order of St. Dumas stole it from him.
  • This is the first time that Tim Drake faces Ra's al Ghul.
  • During this issue, Talia hints several times her true feelings for Bruce Wayne to the point of shedding a tear when she thought he was dead.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

Detective Comics Vol 1 700 Variant
DC Rebirth Logo
Batman: Legacy Crossover
The events from this issue are related to the Legacy crossover that went through the Batman Family Titles in 1996. The events of Legacy lead into Batman: Cataclysm, and ultimately No Man's Land.