DC Database

"Batman: "The Dynamic Trio"": Batman and Robin join with a new costumed partner, Mysteryman, to take down a ring of smugglers in Gotham City, and Vicki Vale vows to discover

Quote1 Since Batman taunted me to expose Mysteryman if I could, I will! Mysteryman was Commissioner Gordon! Quote2
— Vicki Vale

Detective Comics #245 is an issue of the series Detective Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of July, 1957.

Synopsis for Batman: "The Dynamic Trio"

Batman and Robin join with a new costumed partner, Mysteryman, to take down a ring of smugglers in Gotham City, and Vicki Vale vows to discover their new partner's identity.

Wanted criminals are being smuggled out of Gotham city to foreign ports. The mayor demands action and instructs Commissioner Gordon turn over the case to Batman and Robin. The dynamic duo then announces that they will need help capturing the responsible criminals, someone with better experience. This captures the attention of news reporter Vicki Vale. Who could possibly be a better lawmen than Batman and Robin? The duo is soon spotted in the company of a masked figure known as Mysteryman. As the Dynamic Trio capture the criminals across Gotham, Vicki follows closely and starts making guesses as to who Mysteryman could be. At first she thinks he is a robot and later she deduces that Mysteryman is Superman. After a long investigation, Vicki finally learns that Mysteryman is Commissioner Gordon, who was forced to act in disguise following orders from the Mayor to turn over the case to Batman and Robin. When the truth is revealed, the Mayor apologizes for not letting Gordon act freely and Vicki is very grateful to Batman for allowing her to get the scoop.

Appearing in Batman: "The Dynamic Trio"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • A Gang of Smugglers (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • The Mayor of Gotham City
  • Editor of Vue Magazine




Synopsis for Roy Raymond: "The X-Y-Z Ray"

Appearing in Roy Raymond: "The X-Y-Z Ray"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Harry Horner (Single appearance)

Other Characters:



  • None


  • None

Synopsis for Martian Manhunter: "The Phantom Fire Alarms"

A crook accidentally learns of John Jones's Martian identity and fire weakness, and plans to use that knowledge to trap him.

Appearing in Martian Manhunter: "The Phantom Fire Alarms"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Lance Faber (Single appearance)
  • Joey (Single appearance)

Other Characters:



  • None


  • None


See Also

Links and References

Batman 0585
DC Rebirth Logo

Summary Needed

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Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.