DC Database

"Free For All": Varvara, Kara's adoptive mother, interferes with Supergirl and Faora's aerial battle by crashing a plane into Faora. Kara picks her mother and flies her down to land where her adoptive father and Kortni's biological father join them. Kara and her parents hug each other crying. Af

Quote1 The only one who can pardon you is beyond us all. I... regret and rescind what I said about wishing it had hurt. Of course it hurt... It will always hurt. But you are not redeemed by her loss. Quote2
— Supergirl

DC Comics Bombshells #32 is an issue of the series DC Comics Bombshells (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 2017. It was published on August 2, 2017.

Synopsis for "Free For All"

Varvara, Kara's adoptive mother, interferes with Supergirl and Faora's aerial battle by crashing a plane into Faora. Kara picks her mother and flies her down to land where her adoptive father and Kortni's biological father join them. Kara and her parents hug each other crying. Afterwards she chastises Whitmore for locking Kortni up in his desire to keep her safe. However she acknowledges he loved his daughter, even if his actions were wrong. But Kortni is the only one who can forgive him.

Inside Leningrad, Harley and Ivy put a stop to Hugo Strange and his monsters as Superman and Power Girl patrol the skies, protecting people and disabling enemy weapons. In the meantime Zatanna and Constantine make their way in the city as Abigel's monster army deals with the German forces.

Raven is helping fight the invaders off when she meets her father. She attempts to nullify the spell enthralling him until she realizes he's working for Killer Frost of his own free will. Trigon argues her mother made him human but when she left -taking their daughter with her- and then got murdered, he lost his humanity. Nothing mattered anymore.

His words make Raven madder. She strikes Trigon with her magic, complaining he never tried to take control of his life.

Right then, Faora comes around and she and Supergirl resume their battle. Raven's spells manage to hurt Faora but the Kryptonian shakes Raven off and picks up a rifle to shoot her. Zatanna tries to stop her, but Faora recognizes she's the one got Raven out of Joker's Daughter claws. Faora reveals Raven, Killer Frost and Zatanna were meant to be the Joker's Daughter heiresses.

Raven takes advantage of her distraction to push her away and declares no one will lay hands on any of her family again. At this, Faora smirks and kills Trigon.

Raven loses control, unleashes her full power and transforms into a horned, black-winged demon.

Appearing in "Free For All"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters





See Also

Links and References
