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Archer Braun is a mercenary.

At some point in his past he met Dinah Lance, Selina Kyle and Helena Bertinelli, abandoning Kyle in the middle of a job and basically using and discarding the other two after a few nights together.

Years later, he reappeared in Gotham, robbing a bank until being chased by Black Canary. This led to her getting help from Huntress and Catwoman, after they recognized him from a video of the robbery. The three chased him to his hideout, but using his skills was able to defeat them. However, the police arrived at the hideout and Archer fled to the airport with Black Canary as his hostage, Oracle watched his steps and warned Batman about what happened, Catwoman and Huntress then went after Archer's henchmen so they could gain it's location.

Archer took Black Canary to Katchik 9-9 the hidden city, for her to be delivered to Lady Shiva as a way to pay his debt. Shiva attempted to go after Braun instead, but was stunned to discover that he could block her deadliest attacks. Meanwhile, Huntress and Catwoman led by Oracle, made their way to Katchik 9-9 to effect rescue of Black Canary and again were confronted by Archer Braun. While Canary and Catwoman evaded Shiva, Huntress was assisted in confronting Braun by Oracle, who found that Braun had telepathic powers mixed with precognition. By instructing Huntress to quiet her mind and obey Oracle's orders, Huntress was able to land a hit on Braun and retake control of the fight. She subsequently fled when the building they were fighting in caught fire, leaving the injured Braun behind as the ceiling collapsed on him.

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  • Telepathy: Braun has powerful psychic abilities allowing him to read his opponents' minds when in battle.
    • Precognition: Braun's telepathy is mixed with a low-level precognition that allows him to read a person's thoughts a few seconds before the person has them, allowing him to anticipate his opponents' moves in combat.



  • Due to Braun's abilities allowing him to anticipate his opponents, his actual ability to take a punch is relatively limited; once an opponent actually gets past his abilities, it only takes a series of rapid blows to put him down.

  • Braun is considered Lady Shiva's martial artist equal due to his psychic abilities.[1]



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Birds of Prey Villain(s)
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Black Canary Villain(s)
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