DC Database

"Captain Marvel: "Plays Baseball on Mars"": Billy's assigned to cover the Giants-Dodgers game, but not being familiar with the area, is lured onto a strange train with a pair of other kids, Candy and Mush. It turns out they're not in a train at all, but on a rocketship on its way to Mars. There,

Quote1 Yes, Icky! Good thing spies aren't within earshot! Quote2
— Captain Midnight

America's Greatest Comics #8 is an issue of the series America's Greatest Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of August, 1943.

Synopsis for Captain Marvel: "Plays Baseball on Mars"

Billy's assigned to cover the Giants-Dodgers game, but not being familiar with the area, is lured onto a strange train with a pair of other kids, Candy and Mush. It turns out they're not in a train at all, but on a rocketship on its way to Mars. There, after being processed by a machine that lets them understand Martian, the four-armed aliens ask what the social structure of Earth is like between adults and children, questions that puzzle Billy. Just then the city's attacked by "Stqstas", and Captain Marvel flies out to see what they're like. He hasn't taken into account the Martians using a weapon that shoots electricity, and the powerful blast acts like lightning and turns him back into Billy. He's captured by the Stqstas, who turn out to be children, and taken to their leader. She explains children have always ruled Martian civilization, and the adults who brought Billy to Mars are rebels. Billy tells them that's not the way it's supposed to be, but is gagged.

The kids attack the city of the adults, using small orbs that release and spray "submission gas". Candy and Mush show the Martian adults how to repel the assault by using rifles like baseball bats. Soon the kids are brought to heel and the adults are running society. Candy and Mush decide to stay on Mars and teach the Martians the great American pastime. They promise to come back to Earth in 1950 for an exhibition game!

Appearing in Captain Marvel: "Plays Baseball on Mars"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Martians
    • Dr. Fzzphz (Single appearance)
    • General Hddy (Single appearance)
    • Molgzz (Single appearance)
    • Lt. Lool (Single appearance)




Synopsis for Captain Midnight and Spy Smasher: "The Race Around the World"

Appearing in Captain Midnight and Spy Smasher: "The Race Around the World"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for Bulletman: "Meets Judge Lynch"

Voss tries to get elected as a judge but is denied because of his mental instability. This is proven all too accurate when he sets himself up as a judge in a mock courtroom, has flunkies bring people who offended him and thwarted his ambitions brought to him and sentenced to death. In trying to escape Bulletman and Bulletgirl he parachutes out of a plane and lands on a windswept cliff. The air currents catch his parachute and pull him over the edge, where the cords are wrapped around his neck and he hangs to death from a protruding branch.

Appearing in Bulletman: "Meets Judge Lynch"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Voss




Synopsis for Spy Smasher: "The Filming of Spy Smasher's Downfall"

Appearing in Spy Smasher: "The Filming of Spy Smasher's Downfall"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for Golden Arrow: "The Feud That Fizzled"

Appearing in Golden Arrow: "The Feud That Fizzled"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Bart Gonifer

Other Characters:




Synopsis for Captain Marvel, Junior: "Meets Mr. Morpheus"

Appearing in Captain Marvel, Junior: "Meets Mr. Morpheus"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Kurt


Other Characters:





  • This is the final issue of America's Greatest Comics.
  • Also appearing in this issue of America's Greatest Comics were:
    • Silent Sims
    • Flowers of Death (Text Story) by Joseph J. Millard


  • The Spy Smasher story "The Filming of Spy Smasher's Downfall" was a plug for the upcoming Spy Smasher movie serial.

See Also

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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