DC Database

"Superboy: "The Stolen Identities!"": Jonathan Kent and Martha Kent are abducted to the sub-atomic world of Xelthu, and two Xelthuians impersonate them, but cannot deceive Superboy for long. Even though their atte

Quote1 Not a ghost, Janu! Just Congorilla... The Ninth Wonder of the World! Quote2
— Congo Bill

Adventure Comics #270 is an issue of the series Adventure Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of March, 1960.

Synopsis for Superboy: "The Stolen Identities!"

Jonathan Kent and Martha Kent are abducted to the sub-atomic world of Xelthu, and two Xelthuians impersonate them, but cannot deceive Superboy for long. Even though their attempt to use a Red Kryptonite ray to transfer him to their world goes awry, he is able to save their tiny world and regain his parents.

Appearing in Superboy: "The Stolen Identities!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Irm Gikk (Single appearance)
  • Nerp Gikk (Single appearance)



Synopsis for Congorilla: "The Ninth Wonder!"

Police arrive on the banks of the Congo as they try to apprehend a band of pirates in a submarine but they are too late. Suddenly they witness a golden gorilla dashing out of the jungle. The gorilla uses a piece of chain to pull the submarine towards land and beach it making it easy for the authorities to arrest the pirates. Two weeks later, a communist scientist by the name of Dr Kovec receives a report about a gorilla breaking into the dungeon where they are holding a political prisoner by the name of Professor West. Korvac hopes to interrogate West to get him to reveal atomic secrets from the West. The gorilla rescues the professor to get him away from his communist captors. Kovec and his men manage to trap the gorilla in a chemical lab with no means of escape, but then they witnesses the gorilla preparing a chemical mix to escape the prison. The gorilla creates a nitro glycerine solution that blows a hole in the wall and allows the gorilla to escape with professor West. He walks away as the communist captors seem frozen in astonishment by the gorillas human like intelligence. Days later the intelligent gorilla breaks up a confrontation between agitators and Wambu tribesmen using a crop dusting airplane that he flies himself. The origin of the intelligent gorilla is then revealed. One day when Congo Bill and his young pal Janu were paddling up the Congo river, they witness a helpless medicine man being attacked by crocodiles in the river. They rescue the medicine man but are too late. As he lay dying, the medicine man gives Congo Bill a magical ring which will allow him to change places with a golden gorilla once he rubs the ring. To change back, the gorilla must rub a ring that he wears on his fingers and the change will occur after an hour. Congo Bill uses the ring and is astounded at how he switches bodies with the gorilla. He uses the gorillas fantastic strength to capture group of poachers as they are about to threaten a herd of helpless elephants. Not only does Congo Bill change into the body of the gorilla but he also maintains his own human intelligence. The combination of strength and human instincts make the golden gorilla a formidable foe to those that would do evil.

Appearing in Congorilla: "The Ninth Wonder!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Janu (Flashback only)


  • River Pirates
  • Dr. Kovec
  • Ivory Poachers (Flashback only)

Other Characters:



Synopsis for Aquaman: "The Menace of Aqualad!"

Bringing a pod of whales to the mainland, Aquaman and Aqualad are stopped by a ships captain, who gives Aquaman a cake because that Sunday is Aquaman's birthday. Aquaman and Aqualad then drop off the whales at a local marine exhibit for a benefit of retired seamen, there Aquaman puts on a show for spectators.

After the exhibit, Aquaman is about to return to the sea when an old woman falls into the water, Aquaman saves her life and she reveals that she is a fortune teller and that she will reward Aquaman with a free fortune telling. In her tent she tells Aquaman that there will be a great danger that somebody new in his life may replace him.

Later that night, back at sea, Aquaman is woken by his pet octopus Topo, who alerts him that a ship is sinking. Aquaman and Aqualad go to the rescue however Aqualad is knocked on the head by the sinking mast-head of the ship. Soon after, Aqualad begins acting strange, collecting items and asking questions about Aquaman's weaknesses.

During a break up of some pirates stealing rare fish, Aqualad doesn't participate in the fight because he is too busy collecting a fish bowl and harpoon gun. That night, when Aquaman falls asleep, Aqualad ties him up in a net and leaves him alone. When Aquaman awakes he has to fight a sword fish all alone. Finding the boy he demands answers, and Aqualad takes him back to their undersea cave home and shows him that he was really constructing a trophy collection as a birthday gift.

Appearing in Aquaman: "The Menace of Aqualad!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Thieves

Other Characters:

  • Professor Tyson (Single appearance)
  • Fortune Teller (Single appearance)




  • First issue where Aqualad is addressed by name.
  • First appearance of the Aquacave.

See Also

Links and References
