DC Database

"Invisible Mafia, Part 4": At the Daily Planet, Clark and Robinson work on the Red Cloud story until Perry calls Clark into his office, where Trish shows him a tablet that depicts a shocking news for Clark: Lois was spotted together with Lex on a hotel in Chicago. Clark cannot believe what h

Quote1 We're going to figure out how to do this. But, for now... I have to write and you have to save everything you can get your hands on. Okay? Quote2
— Lois Lane-Kent

Action Comics #1004 is an issue of the series Action Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of December, 2018. It was published on October 24, 2018.

Synopsis for "Invisible Mafia, Part 4"

At the Daily Planet, Clark and Robinson work on the Red Cloud story until Perry calls Clark into his office, where Trish shows him a tablet that depicts a shocking news for Clark: Lois was spotted together with Lex on a hotel in Chicago. Clark cannot believe what he is seeing and Perry is forced to take Trish out of his office to get Clark the opportunity to recover. Clark himself leaves the office and hides in the storage room. He is about to put on his Superman uniform, but stops for a moment, wondering if Lois' room has a balcony.

Last night, Superman had visited Lois in Chicago, surprising her when she was buying dinner. Husband and wife lovingly embrace and kiss each other, not caring for a moment about the multiple witnesses watching them. Clark and Lois make their way to the room Lois had rented in Chicage and spend the night together. They explain their experiences with one another; with Clark telling Lois he couldn't communicate with them because his fight with Rogol Zaar had destroyed his communication device. Lois says Jon grew up quickly in his journeys with Jor-El and she feels like he did not need her.

She goes on saying that while she does not regret becoming a wife and a mother, she has come to accept that their life together would never be normal. There is nothing even remotely normal about the Kent family. For the first time in her life, Clark and Jon do not need her and Lois wants to focus on her writing, something that saddens Clark, who says that he needs Lois to be at his side. He wants things to be normal between them.

Their time together is briefly interrupted by a breakout in Iron Height Penitentiary, which is quickly defused by Superman. Once Clark returns to Lois' room, Lois tells Clark to keep faith. Whatever happens, they can work it out.

Clark cannot dwell on his memories for long, though, as Copperhead breaks into the Daily Planet and threatens the staff for ruining her life. In a matter of seconds, Superman takes Copperhead into a cell in Iron Heights and returns to comfort the staff. He calms Trish down and tells her to take the day off and seek help from a therapist. He also checks Perry's body and confirms he is cancer-free. Superman leaves the Daily Planet and returns to Lois' apartment in Chicago. Lois, who has read the news about her meeting with Lex, is frustrated. Superman arrives and asks about what happened with Lex, but Lois dispels his fears saying that she does not care about Lex or anything he could offer her.

Husband and wife leave for a romantic flight. Superman asks Lois not to let go and Lois says she won't.

Appearing in "Invisible Mafia, Part 4"

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See Also

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