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Salamat datang di Wikimedia Commons
sabuah basis  data matan 109,156,244 barakas midia, nang kawa dibari ulih siapa haja

Gambar gasan hari naya
Gambar untuk hari ini
This fresco in the ceiling of Michaelskirche, a historic church in Salzburg, depicts Michael the Archangel with other angels joining in adoration of God. It was painted by court painter Franz Nikolaus Streicher 1770. The rococo stuccos were made by Benedikt Zopf. Today is Michaelmas.
+/− [id], +/− [en]
Midia gasan hari naya
Media untuk hari ini
An animated video explaining the function of the thymus, an essential organ of the immune system. The video about the organ shows how T cells, a type of white blood cell, go through a complex journey in the thymus to become mature immune cells ready to fight off infection.
+/− [id], +/− [en]

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