Apocalyptic Montessa and Nuclear Lulu: A Tale of Atomic Love



My friend and hugely talented writer, Mercedes Yardley, has her first novella coming out soon and will you take a look at that cover! As you can see, the book is titled Apocalyptic Montessa and Nuclear Lulu: A Tale of Atomic Love. If you want to keep up on further updates (like the release date, natch!) you could LIKE her publisher, Ragnarok Publications, over at http://www.facebook.com/RagnarokPublications. Or wait for me to follow up. But I could be totally unreliable when it comes to this sort of thing. You have no idea. Better to get the info direct from the publisher.

Before, then, if you haven’t already read her short story collection, Beautiful Sorrows, you totally should. It’s wonderful!



~ by poǝןɔɐɯ uǝʞɔɐɹq on 23/08/2013.

One Response to “Apocalyptic Montessa and Nuclear Lulu: A Tale of Atomic Love”

  1. Rock on, my friend. Thank you so much!

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