BP Docs-Chat Summary August 7th, 2024

BP Documentation tracker status:

Documentation progress has risen to 47%, up from 44%. This reflects ongoing improvements in the quality of documentation.

Today, two new pull requests (PRs) were submitted:

The meeting also addressed numerous open tickets that remain unassigned. Previously, these tickets were default-assigned to @imath. The team will select 1-2 PRs for each meeting to manage these tickets more effectively.

Additional topics discussed included:

  • Dashicons: Additionally, there was a conversation about Dashicons.
  • BuddyPress followers: The team agreed to contact @rayisme about merging the BuddyPress followers feature into core BuddyPress.
  • Writing Blogs: There was a discussion about reviving the practice of writing and posting blogs, similar to what was done in the past.

A new workflow process was agreed upon, where issues will be marked as “In progress” as soon as someone self-assigns them. This change aims to improve task management and ensure clarity on active work. The team will continue to focus on managing and reviewing PRs related to FAQs and bug reporting.

Next Docs-Chat

Our next documentation meeting will happen on August 21, 2024, at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress.

#docs-chat, #documentation