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Take Action

The “No Child Lost to Social Media” campaign is calling for social media to be made safe by design.

The Problem

As it exists currently, social media platforms put our children at risk. We understand that the desire for connection is rooted in our collective humanity. That is why these platforms should be a destination where young people can communicate, thrive and learn. Instead, online spaces are designed to keep our children scrolling and waiting on the next notification, like or comment. Without safety standards in place, platforms can serve inappropriate and dangerous content, leaving the door wide open for abuse and cyberbullying and the spread of harmful content.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Find out more here

What Can I Do?

  • Speak up on the issue. Share the news widely with fellow parents, and with your children if you feel they are emotionally ready. When we speak together, our voices cannot be ignored.
  • Explore our partner resources to support yourself and your child.
  • Guide our future efforts by sharing what matters to you most in our form below.