The One with Blade Runner 2049

This won’t be a hype piece about how awesome #BladeRunner2049 is (plenty of rave reviews from critics have proved that point), but viewer experience may vary based on expectations (it is a 163 minute, slow burner of a film where people walk and talk reeeally slowly after all).

It’s amazing how in this day and age a major studio manages to hand over a huge budget (around $185 million) to let Denis Villeneuve (‘Sicario’, ‘Arrival’) explore and expand the universe where humans and Replicants exist, first brought to the big screen by Ridley Scott in 1982.

The story follows Ryan Gosling who plays an LAPD cop named ‘K’ thirty years after events of the first ‘Blade Runner’. Far from being a mere cash-in sequel, this film brings together a range of brilliant collaborators including Cinematographer Roger Deakins (‘The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford’, ‘Skyfall’) who brings each frame into resplendent reality and a rousing score created almost entirely on synthesizers by Hans Zimmer and Benjamin Wallfisch.

The result is a profound study on identity built within a neo-noir thriller that also showcases emotional heft with an emotive performance by Harrison Ford as Officer Deckard. After all these years, the question of whether he’s truly human or a Replicant might be answered.

Or will it?

Take time out and watch #BladeRunner2049 in the biggest format possible.

In the meantime, here’s a picture of me who isn’t either Ryan Gosling or Harrison Ford.

Rkid is BACK!

Start the day right.

Liam Gallagher’s debut solo album ‘As You Were’ is available to stream NOW! On Spotify:

At 45, our kid sounds better than ever with a confidence that’s been surely missed post-Oasis during his stint as frontman for the hopelessly mediocre Beady Eye.

Roping in collaborators Greg Kurstin (Grammy Award winning producer to Adele, Sia, Foo Fighters and also part of delightful musical duo the bird and the bee) plus Andrew Wyatt (from Swedish electropop band Miike Snow), the results are sneering rock songs that with swagger but crafted with pop sensibilities, coupled with ballads that show surprising vulnerability.

If you had any doubts about watching his solo gig (he’s playing his rescheduled date in Jakarta next January), you definitely need to give this record a listen.

It’s great to hear from you again, Liam.

As you were.

Here’s to today.
That vacuum between yesterday
and universally dreaded Monday.

Here’s to spending moments without regret
Learning from mistakes you hope to forget.

Here’s to words unspoken still in your head
To our songs unsung that haven’t been written yet.

Here’s to you.
Staring at this latte making sense of it all.

Here’s to you.
And here’s to us. – at Filosofi Kopi

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Behind the Scenes of #TheMessenger

Cerita di Balik Layar #TheMessenger

Sejak #GOVIDEO Competition diumumin, tiba-tiba aja mesti muter otak untuk segala kemungkinan yang mesti kesampean. Dari segi milih cerita, temen yang mau dilibatkan, sampe perduitan buat bikin film pendek pertama (buat gue) dengan hasil semaksimal mungkin.

In the end, rasanya gak salah milih temen buat kolaborasi, baik dari yang kebetulan sekantor sampe yang lebih kenal di Twitter doang sebelum ini sampe yang baru ketemu di hari-H. Karena selama prosesnya, semua berjalan menyenangkan dan overall berasa dimudahkan.

Apapun hasilnya nanti pas pengumuman pemenang, gua bangga bisa kerja bareng temen-temen yang sama-sama passionate banget ngerjain film kecil ini di dua hari kita syuting selama long weekend.

Sekarang, sebagian kisah di balik layar bisa ditonton here now!

Shot and edited by Titis Sapto:

Jangan lupa vote #TheMessenger di

Have a great weekend! 😙 – with Titis Sapto, Raymond, Lolita, Kent, ardibhironx, Imam Wibowo, Budiono, Daniel, Roni Onet, Izzat, dhantypotter, Adi, and Debby Permata

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Another Night to Remember: The Upstairs X Goodnight Electric di A Create Jakarta 2016

A night to remember, and historic for many.
Because you can’t deny the history both these bands have covered.

Welcome back The Upstairs x Goodnight Electric!
It’s like you never went away.

building surprises on someone else's tales

“Oomleo masih di Gojek katanya barusan,” kata Gepeng, manajer Goodnight Electric pada Jimi Multazham dan Henry Foundation (Batman) yang duduk bersama sejumlah orang di ruangan depan Beatspace Studio di bilangan Kemang, Jakarta Selatan. Waktu sudah menunjukan pukul 21.40-an, nyaris dua jam sejak waktu latihan The Upstairs X Goodnight Electric dijadwalkan.

Para personil Goodnight Electric memang dijadwalkan untuk datang belakangan. Sebelumnya, para personil The Upstairs sudah memanaskan diri mereka terlebih dahulu. Tapi Jimi memilih untuk ada di luar, bercengkerama. Ada rahasia yang disimpan.

“Ini kali ketiga kita kolaborasi ya, Jim?” tanya Batman pada Jimi.

“Terakhir waktu Icema kan ya?” Bondi Goodboy menimpali.

Jimi tidak menjawab, tapi Batman terus memanggil ulang memorinya. “Dulu pertama kali di Kresikars, acaranya anak 82. Tapi itu kapan ya? 2007 kali ya?” tanyanya lagi pada yang lain. Hanya sekedar meminta konfirmasi.

“Gue sebenarnya agak milih untuk kolaborasi. Dulu pernah ditawarin sama seorang penyanyi yang nggak nyambung banget…

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Alhamdulillah, #TheMessenger berhasil masuk finalis Top 20 #GOVIDEO Competition!

Now, it’s your time to vote!

Caranya gampang banget, tinggal ke

Log in pake Facebook, trus udah deh! One vote counts for one video.

Show some love and spread the word! – with Titis Sapto, Faizal, Lolita, Kent, ardibhironx, Budiono, Roni Onet, Adi, dhantypotter, Raymond, and Debby Permata

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The One With ’10 Cloverfield Lane’

Remember the mysterious marketing for found-footage thriller ‘Cloverfield’ (2008)?

Farewell party with nameless attractive people, hokey dialogue and sudden fiery mayhem with the rolling head of the Statue of Liberty in NYC?

Ah, those were the days.

Despite the silly human actors you ended up hating by the end of it (except you, Odette Yustman – now Odette Annable. Look her up), who knew they’d end up making and releasing ’10 Cloverfield Lane’ this year?

A ‘spiritual successor’ according to Producer J.J. Abrams that dropped out of nowhere (Drew Goddard of ‘The Cabin in the Woods’ fame and showrunner of ‘Daredevil’ Season 1 on Netflix is also Executive Producer), the less you know when you go in theatres, the better. (Tip: Avoid seeing the latest movie poster at the cinema at all costs!)

I could spam my timeline with marketing pics of Mary Elizabeth Winstead looking worried in a tanktop to go see the film, but if you’re done with superhero team up movies for awhile or live action adaptions based on childhood animation flicks, take a chance and see this emotional rollercoaster that defies genre conventions and audience expectations.

Disclaimer: Starts off a bit slow, but man, usually jolly John Goodman is so good in it, man.

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