Shouting from my shed

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    • “Prat!!! Do you really think people have time to read such crap? God knows who you could motivate, having read that. Unsubscribed” – feedback from one reader of my newsletter
    • “unsubscribing.  you’re rather a wordy b*stard and all of them dull. cheers.” – another happy reader
    • “I’ve tried several times to unsubscribe from your horrendously sh*te, pish, crappy, useless and infuriating emails. They keep coming. Please can you **** off and leave me alone you absolute pr***.” – this one from a true fan. (NB: all my newsletters have a single-click Unsubscribe button😉)
    • “Your emails are always a bright spot in my day. I stop my work (the boring work that pays the bills), and read, clicking through every link, and I’m pulled out and far away from my desk, out to muddy fields, salty waves, dusty workshops, trails, bike paths, and big dreams. 
      You remind me to grab my coat for a lunchtime stroll, and to plan for a weekend outdoors. 
      Thank you!!”

I produce four email newsletters. They are all free, and are all very different.

  1. Shouting from the Shed comes every couple of weeks. It’s a bunch of interesting bits & bobs that I’d like to share with you.
  2. The Doorstep Mile is an email series to help you live more adventurously every day.
  3. Ask An Adventurer takes you behind the scenes of earning a living from ‘adventure’ and the creative life.
  4. Adventure + Purpose asks how those of us who love the wild world can do our bit to fix it?

    (Best option: try them all! You can Unsubscribe with a single click any time.)

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  1. Caroline Posted

    Nothing more to say than , I’m reading your book, ‘The boy who rode the world to my year 6 class, what an absolute find! Cleverly written to inspire adventure but teach about a continent that is so diverse in physical and human geography and culture too. World book Day tomorrow and we are all dressing up as our new favourite character Tom (aka Alasdair) the world adventure, who is getting steadily stinkier and wiser as we join him on his journey. Only one chapter left of this book and feeling a bit sad – will read it very slowly tomorrow! Then it’s on to Asia and America.

  2. Laura Cragg Posted

    We are big fans of your childrens books, we recommend them to lots of people who are grateful for the inspiration. My sister has used the boy that bikes the world trilogy in her class too. Please write more, we’ll be sure to buy them.



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Shouting from my shed

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