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in Wikipedia, die vrye ensiklopedie
Hierdie artikel is deur die gemeenskap geïdentifiseer as een van Wikipedia se spogartikels en het vir die eerste keer tydens week 8 van 2016 op ons voorblad gepryk. Dit beteken egter nie dat die artikel nie verder gewysig kan word nie: voel vry om dit te verbeter of by te werk.

Neutral point of view: Another amazing thing about Chile is that Phylloxera, a small yellow root feeding aphid, that has caused more damage to the wine industry throughout the world than any other single disease or insect, does not exist.

Chile is one of the few places that phylloxera has never invaded, and many of the vineyards are planted on vitis vinifera rootstock. At this writing, extensive replanting of more resistant rootstock is taking place throughout northern California. © Copyright Barron's Educational Services, Inc. 1995 based on THE WINE LOVER'S COMPANION, by Ron Herbst and Sharon Tyler Herbst.

Even as phylloxera attacked vinifera plantings in North America and even in Argentina, Chile remained free of the bug. Possibly this was because of its geographic isolation, with the Andes to the east and the Pacific to the west. --Penarc (kontak) 17:08, 25 Julie 2008 (UTC)[antwoord]

Help asb!

[wysig bron]

"Chili is 'n mengsel van verskillende etniese groepe, hoofsaaklik die afstammelinge van Europese setlaars.[1] [2] [3] make-up ongeveer 52,7% en 90% van die bevolking.[4] [5] ". Enige idee hoe die sin moet lees?? Oesjaar (kontak) 15:43, 25 November 2011 (UTC)[antwoord]