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Martha L. Minow

AKA Martha Louise Minow

Born: 6-Dec-1954
Birthplace: Highland Park, IL

Gender: Female
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Legal Scholar

Nationality: United States
Executive summary: Dean of Harvard Law School

Father: Newton N. Minow (FCC Chairman)
Mother: Josephine Baskin
Sister: Nell Minow
Sister: Mary Minow
Husband: Joseph William Singer

    University: BA, University of Michigan (1975)
    University: MEd., Harvard University (1976)
    Law School: JD, Yale Law School (1979)
    Professor: Harvard Law School (1981-)
    Dean: Harvard Law School (2009-)

    Law Clerk to Thurgood Marshall, US Supreme Court
    Law Clerk to David Bazelon, DC Circuit Appeals Court
    American Academy of Arts and Sciences Fellow (1992)
    American Bar Foundation Fellow
    Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law Board of Directors
    Covenant Foundation Board of Directors
    Iranian Human Rights Documentation Center Board of Directors (past)
    Legal Services Corporation Board of Directors (2010-)
    Obama for Congress 2000
    Obama Victory Fund 2012
    Revson Foundation Board of Directors

Author of books:
Making All the Difference: Inclusion, Exclusion, and American Law (1990)
Not Only for Myself: Identity, Politics and Law (1997)
Between Vengeance and Forgiveness: Facing History After Genocide and Mass Violence (1998)
Partners, Not Rivals: Privatization and the Public Good (2002)

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