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Edward Djerejian

AKA Edward Peter Djerejian

Born: 6-Mar-1939
Birthplace: New York City

Gender: Male
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Diplomat

Nationality: United States
Executive summary: US Ambassador to Israel, 1994

Military service: US Army (1961-62)

Wife: Françoise Andreé Liliane Marie Haelters
Son: Gregory Peter Djerejian
Daughter: Francesca Natalia Djerejian

    University: BS Foreign Service, Georgetown University (1960)
    Administrator: Director, James A. Baker III Institute of Public Policy, Rice University (1994-)

    US Ambassador to Israel (1994)
    US Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs (1991-93)
    US Ambassador to Syria (1989-91)
    US State Department Deputy Asst. Secy. of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs (1986-88)
    US State Department Deputy Chief of Mission, Amman, Jordan (1981-84)
    US State Department Chief of External Affairs, Political Secion, Moscow, USSR (1979-81)
    Member of the Board of Baker Hughes (2001-)
    Member of the Board of Global Industries (1996-)
    Member of the Board of Occidental Petroleum (1996-)
    American Academy of Diplomacy
    Clinton Global Initiative Advisory Board, Mitigating Religious and Ethnic Conflict working group
    Council on Foreign Relations
    Houston Ballet Board of Trustees
    Armenian Ancestry

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