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James Doolittle

James DoolittleAKA James Harold Doolittle

Born: 14-Dec-1896
Birthplace: Alameda, CA
Died: 27-Sep-1993
Location of death: Pebble Beach, CA
Cause of death: unspecified
Remains: Buried, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA

Gender: Male
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Aviator, Military

Nationality: United States
Executive summary: Doolittle Raid against Tokyo in 1942

Military service: US Army Signal Corps; US Army Air Corps (1917-30 and 1941-); USAF (-1959)

Father: Frank H. Doolittle
Mother: Rosa C. Shephard Doolittle
Wife: Josephine E. Daniels (b. 24-May-1895, m. 24-Dec-1917, d. 24-Dec-1988, two children)
Son: James Doolittle, Jr. (d. 1958)

    High School: Manual Arts High School, Los Angeles, CA (1914)
    University: Los Angeles Junior College (1914-16)
    University: University of California School of Mines (1916-17)
    University: University of California School of Military Aeronautics
    University: BA, University of California at Berkeley (1922)
    University: ScD Aeronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1925)

    Royal Dutch Shell VP (1946-58)
    Royal Dutch Shell Head of Aviation Department (1930-)
    Member of the Board of Royal Dutch Shell (1947-67)
    Member of the Board of TRW
    Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (1955-65)
    Air Force Association
    American Astronautical Society Fellow
    Air Medal four
    Distinguished Flying Cross three
    Distinguished Service Medal two
    Congressional Medal of Honor
    Presidential Medal of Freedom 1989
    Bronze Star
    Silver Star
    French Legion of Honor
    Croix de Guerre
    Inmate: Los Angeles County Jail

    Tunisian Victory (16-Mar-1944) · Himself

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