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Pope John I

Born: ?
Birthplace: Tuscany, Italy
Died: 18-May-526 AD
Location of death: Ravenna, Italy
Cause of death: unspecified
Remains: Buried, St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City

Gender: Male
Religion: Roman Catholic
Race or Ethnicity: White
Occupation: Religion

Nationality: Italy
Executive summary: Roman Catholic Pope, 523-26

John I, Roman Catholic Pope from 523 to 526, was a Tuscan by birth, and was consecrated pope on the death of Hormisdas. In 525 he was sent by Theodoric at the head of an embassy to Constantinople to obtain from the emperor Justin toleration for the Arians; but he succeeded so imperfectly in his mission that Theodoric, on his return, suspecting that he had acted only half-heartedly, threw him into prison, where he shortly afterwards died. Felix IV succeeded him. John was enrolled among the martyrs, his feast day being May 27 (now May 18th).

    Roman Catholic Pope 523 to 526

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