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Occupation: Legal Scholar


NameOccupationBirthDeathKnown for
Bruce Ackerman
Legal Scholar
19-Aug-1943   We the People
Ann Althouse
12-Jan-1951   Political blogger, legal scholar
Alexander Bickel
Legal Scholar
17-Dec-1924 7-Nov-1974 The Least Dangerous Branch
Stephen B. Burbank
Legal Scholar
8-Jan-1947   UPenn Law Professor
René Cassin
Legal Scholar
5-Oct-1887 20-Feb-1976 Legal scholar, Nobel Prize recipient
Erwin Chemerinsky
Legal Scholar
14-May-1953   Legal Scholar
Robert C. Clark
Legal Scholar
c. 1944   Dean of Harvard Law School, 1989-2003
Richard A. Epstein
Legal Scholar
17-Apr-1943   Takings
Daniel J. Freed
Legal Scholar
12-May-1927 17-Jan-2010 Yale Law professor
Alberico Gentili
Legal Scholar
14-Jan-1552 19-Jun-1608 Scholar of international law
Hugo Grotius
Legal Scholar
10-Apr-1583 28-Aug-1645 De Jure Belli ac Pacis
Joseph A. Grundfest
Legal Scholar
8-Sep-1951   Stanford law professor
Pamela S. Karlan
Legal Scholar
1959   Constitutional and legal scholar
Douglas W. Kmiec
Legal Scholar
24-Sep-1951   US Ambassador to Malta
W. H. Knight
Legal Scholar
5-Dec-1954   Law Professor, University of Washington
Lawrence Lessig
Legal Scholar
3-Jun-1961   Constitutional and internet law
Martha L. Minow
Legal Scholar
6-Dec-1954   Dean of Harvard Law School
Susan Westerberg Prager
Legal Scholar
14-Dec-1942   Dean of UCLA Law School, 1982-98
Albert J. Rosenthal
Legal Scholar
5-Mar-1919 17-Mar-2010 Dean of Columbia Law School, 1979-84
Eugene Victor Rostow
Legal Scholar
25-Aug-1913 25-Nov-2002 Dean of Yale Law School, 1955-65
Pamela Samuelson
Legal Scholar
c. 1949   Computer Law Professor at UC Berkeley
David Schizer
Legal Scholar
5-Dec-1968   Dean of Columbia Law School
Hal S. Scott
Legal Scholar
25-Nov-1943   Professor, Harvard Law School
Louis Michael Seidman
Legal Scholar
16-Feb-1947   Our Unsettled Constitution
Geoffrey R. Stone
Legal Scholar
20-Nov-1946   Perilous Times
Kathleen Sullivan
Legal Scholar
20-Aug-1955   Scholar of constitutional law
Cass Sunstein
Legal Scholar
21-Sep-1954   Why Societies Need Dissent
Elizabeth Warren
Legal Scholar
22-Jun-1949   US Senator from Massachusetts
William C. Warren
Legal Scholar
3-Feb-1909 11-Sep-2000 Dean of Columbia Law School, 1952-70
Michael K. Young
4-Nov-1949   President, Texas A&M University

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