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Governor of New York


1623 1624 Adriaen Jorisszen Tienpoint (Director)
1624 1625 Cornelis Jacobzen Mey (Director)
1625 1626 Willem Verhulst (Director)
Sep-1626 1632 Peter Minuit (Director-General, b. 1580, d. 1638)
Mar-1632 1633 Bastiaen Jansz Krol (Director-General, b. 1595, d. 1674)
Apr-1633 1637 Wouter van Twiller (Director-General, b. 1580, d. 1656)
28-Mar-1638 1647 Willem Kieft (Director-General, b. 1597, d. 1697)
11-May-1647 8-Sep-1664 Petrus Stuyvesant (Director-General, b. 1592, d. 1672)
8-Sep-1664 17-Aug-1668 Richard Nicolls (b. 1624, d. 1672)
17-Aug-1668 Aug-1673 Francis Lovelace (b. 1621?, d. 1675)
12-Aug-1673 19-Sep-1673 Cornelis Evertsen (b. 1642, d. 1706)
19-Sep-1673 10-Nov-1674 Anthonie Colve  
10-Nov-1674 13-Jan-1681 Edmund Andros (1st time, b. 1637, d. 1714)
13-Jan-1681 27-Aug-1683 Anthony Brockholls (acting)
27-Aug-1683 11-Aug-1688 Thomas Dongan (b. 1634, d. 1715)
11-Aug-1688 9-Oct-1688 Edmund Andros (2nd time)
9-Oct-1688 29-Mar-1691 Francis Nicholson (acting, b. 1655, d. 1728)
12-Jun-1689 30-Mar-1691 Jacob Leisler (schism, b. 1640, d. 1691)
29-Mar-1691 26-Jul-1691 Henry Sloughter  
26-Jul-1691 30-Aug-1692 Richard Ingoldsby (1st time, acting, d. circa 1720)
30-Aug-1692 22-Apr-1698 Benjamin Fletcher (d. 1703)
22-Apr-1698 5-May-1701 Richard Coote (b. 1636, d. 1701)
19-May-1701 3-May-1702 John Nanfan (acting, d. 1716)
3-May-1702 18-Dec-1708 Edward Hyde (b. 1661, d. 1723)
18-Dec-1708 6-May-1709 John Lovelace (d. 1709)
6-May-1709 9-May-1709 Peter Schuyler (1st time, acting, b. 1657, d. 1724)
9-May-1709 10-Apr-1710 Richard Ingoldsby (2nd time, acting)
10-Apr-1710 14-Jun-1710 Gerardus Beekman (acting, d. circa 1728)
14-Jun-1710 21-Jul-1719 Robert Hunter (d. 1734)
21-Jul-1719 17-Sep-1720 Peter Schuyler (2nd time, acting)
17-Sep-1720 15-Apr-1728 William Burnet (b. 1688, d. 1729)
15-Apr-1728 1-Jul-1731 John Montgomerie (b. 16.., d. 1731)
1-Jul-1731 1-Aug-1732 Rip Van Dam (acting, b. 1660, d. 1749)
1-Aug-1732 10-Mar-1736 William Cosby (b. 1690, d. 1736)
10-Mar-1736 22-Sep-1743 George Clarke (b. 1676, d. 1760)
22-Sep-1743 10-Oct-1753 George Clinton (b. 1686, d. 1761)
10-Oct-1753 12-Oct-1753 Sir Danvers Osborn (b. 1715, d. 1753)
12-Oct-1753 3-Sep-1755 James de Lancey (1st time, acting, b. 1703, d. 1760)
3-Sep-1755 3-Jun-1757 Sir Charles Hardy (b. 1716, d. 1780)
3-Jun-1757 30-Jul-1760 James de Lancey (2nd time, acting)
4-Aug-1760 26-Oct-1761 Cadwallader Colden (1st time, acting, b. 1688, d. 1776)
26-Oct-1761 28-Jun-1763 Robert Monckton (b. 1726, d. 1782)
28-Jun-1763 13-Nov-1765 Cadwallader Colden (2nd time, acting)
13-Nov-1765 12-Sep-1769 Sir Henry Moore (b. 1715, d. 1769)
12-Sep-1769 19-Oct-1770 Cadwallader Colden (3rd time, acting)
19-Oct-1770 7-Apr-1774 John Murray (b. 1732, d. 1809)
7-Apr-1774 3-Mar-1780 William Tryon (b. 1729, d. 1788)
3-Mar-1780 17-Apr-1783 James Robertson (Military Governor, b. circa 1720, d. 1788)
17-Apr-1783 25-Nov-1783 Andrew Elliott (Acting Military Governor, d. 1783)
10-Jul-1776 10-Aug-1776 Nathaniel Woodhull (Chairman, b. 1722, d. 1776)
10-Aug-1776 26-Sep-1776 Abraham Yates (Chairman, b. 1724, d. 1796)
26-Sep-1776 6-Mar-1777 Peter R. Livingston (Chairman, b. 1737, d. 1794)
6-Mar-1777 9-Apr-1777 Abraham Ten Broeck (Chairman, b. 1734, d. 1810)
9-Apr-1777 11-Apr-1777 William Smith (acting, Chairman)
11-Apr-1777 18-Apr-1777 Pierre Van Cortland (acting, Chairman, b. 1721, d. 1814)
18-Apr-1777 14-May-1777 Leonard Gansevoort (Chairman, b. 1751, d. 1810)
14-May-1777 30-Jul-1777 Pierre Van Cortland (Chairman)
30-Jul-1777 1-Jul-1795 George Clinton (1st time, b. 1739, d. 1812)
1-Jul-1795 1-Jul-1801 John Jay (b. 1745, d. 1829)
1-Jul-1801 1-Jul-1804 George Clinton (2nd time, Democrat-Republican)
1-Jul-1804 1-Jul-1807 Morgan Lewis (b. 1754, d. 1844, Democrat-Republican)
1-Jul-1807 24-Feb-1817 Daniel D. Tompkins (b. 1774, d. 1825, Democrat-Republican)
24-Feb-1817 1-Jul-1817 John Tayler (acting, b. 1742, d. 1829)
1-Jul-1817 1-Jan-1823 De Witt Clinton (1st time, b. 1769, d. 1828, Democrat-Republican)
1-Jan-1823 1-Jan-1825 Joseph C. Yates (b. 1768, d. 1837, Democrat-Republican)
1-Jan-1825 11-Feb-1828 De Witt Clinton (2nd time, Democrat-Republican)
11-Feb-1828 1-Jan-1829 Nathaniel Pitcher (acting, b. 1777, d. 1836, Democrat-Republican)
1-Jan-1829 12-Mar-1829 Martin Van Buren (b. 1782, d. 1862, Democratic)
12-Mar-1829 1-Jan-1833 Enos T. Throop (b. 1784, d. 1874, Democratic)
1-Jan-1833 1-Jan-1839 William L. Marcy (b. 1786, d. 1857, Democratic)
1-Jan-1839 1-Jan-1843 William Henry Seward (b. 1801, d. 1872, Whig)
1-Jan-1843 1-Jan-1845 William C. Bouck (b. 1786, d. 1859, Democratic)
1-Jan-1845 1-Jan-1847 Silas Wright (b. 1795, d. 1847, Democratic)
1-Jan-1847 1-Jan-1849 John Young (b. 1802, d. 1852, Whig)
1-Jan-1849 1-Jan-1851 Hamilton Fish (b. 1808, d. 1893, Whig)
1-Jan-1851 1-Jan-1853 Washington Hunt (b. 1811, d. 1867, Whig)
1-Jan-1853 1-Jan-1855 Horatio Seymour (1st time, b. 1810, d. 1886, Democratic)
1-Jan-1855 1-Jan-1857 Myron H. Clark (b. 1806, d. 1892, Whig)
1-Jan-1857 1-Jan-1859 John A. King (b. 1788, d. 1867, Republican)
1-Jan-1859 1-Jan-1863 Edwin D. Morgan (b. 1811, d. 1883, Republican)
1-Jan-1863 1-Jan-1865 Horatio Seymour (2nd time, Democratic)
1-Jan-1865 1-Jan-1869 Reuben E. Fenton (b. 1819, d. 1885, Republican)
1-Jan-1869 1-Jan-1873 John T. Hoffman (b. 1828, d. 1888, Democratic)
1-Jan-1873 1-Jan-1875 John Adams Dix (b. 1860, d. 1928, Republican)
1-Jan-1875 1-Jan-1877 Samuel J. Tilden (b. 1814, d. 1886, Democratic)
1-Jan-1877 1-Jan-1880 Lucius Robinson (b. 1810, d. 1886, Democratic)
1-Jan-1880 1-Jan-1883 Alonzo B. Cornell (b. 1832, d. 1904, Republican)
1-Jan-1883 6-Jan-1885 Grover Cleveland (b. 1837, d. 1908, Democratic)
6-Jan-1885 1-Jan-1892 David B. Hill (b. 1843, d. 1910, Democratic)
1-Jan-1892 1-Jan-1895 Roswell P. Flower (b. 1835, d. 1899, Democratic)
1-Jan-1895 1-Jan-1897 Levi P. Morton (b. 1824, d. 1920, Republican)
1-Jan-1897 1-Jan-1899 Frank S. Black (b. 1853, d. 1913, Republican)
1-Jan-1899 1-Jan-1901 Theodore Roosevelt (b. 1858, d. 1919, Republican)
1-Jan-1901 1-Jan-1905 Benjamin B. Odell, Jr. (b. 1854, d. 1926, Republican)
1-Jan-1905 1-Jan-1907 Frank W. Higgins (b. 1856, d. 1907, Republican)
1-Jan-1907 6-Oct-1910 Charles Evans Hughes (b. 1862, d. 1948, Republican)
6-Oct-1910 1-Jan-1911 Horace White (acting, b. 1865, d. 1943, Republican)
1-Jan-1911 1-Jan-1913 John Alden Dix (b. 1860, d. 1928, Democratic)
1-Jan-1913 17-Oct-1913 William Sulzer (b. 1863, d. 1941, Democratic)
17-Oct-1913 1-Jan-1915 Martin Glynn (acting, b. 1871, d. 1924, Democratic)
1-Jan-1915 1-Jan-1919 Charles S. Whitman (b. 1868, d. 1947, Republican)
1-Jan-1919 1-Jan-1921 Alfred E. Smith (1st time, b. 1873, d. 1944, Democratic)
1-Jan-1921 1-Jan-1923 Nathan L. Miller (b. 1868, d. 1953, Republican)
1-Jan-1923 1-Jan-1929 Alfred E. Smith (2nd time, Democratic)
1-Jan-1929 1-Jan-1933 Franklin D. Roosevelt (b. 1882, d. 1945, Democratic)
1-Jan-1933 3-Dec-1942 Herbert H. Lehman (b. 1878, d. 1963, Democratic)
3-Dec-1942 1-Jan-1943 Charles Poletti (acting, b. 1903, d. 2002, Democratic)
1-Jan-1943 1-Jan-1955 Thomas E. Dewey (b. 1902, d. 1971, Republican)
1-Jan-1955 1-Jan-1959 W. Averell Harriman (b. 1891, d. 1986, Democratic)
1-Jan-1959 18-Dec-1973 Nelson Rockefeller (b. 1908, d. 1979, Republican)
18-Dec-1973 1-Jan-1975 Malcolm Wilson (b. 1914, d. 2000, Republican)
1-Jan-1975 1-Jan-1983 Hugh L. Carey (b. 1919, Democratic)
1-Jan-1983 1-Jan-1995 Mario Cuomo (b. 1932, Democratic)
1-Jan-1995 1-Jan-2007 George Pataki (b. 1945, Republican)
1-Jan-2007 17-Mar-2008 Eliot Spitzer (b. 1959, Democratic)
17-Mar-2008 -- David A. Paterson (b. 1954, Democratic)

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