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US Secretary of War


Past 1947 continues in US Secretary of the Army and US Secretary of Defense.

1789 1794 Henry Knox (under George Washington)
1795   Timothy Pickering (under George Washington)
1796   James McHenry (under George Washington and John Adams)
1800   Samuel Dexter (under John Adams)
1801 1809 Henry Dearborn (under Thomas Jefferson)
1809 1813 William Eustis (under James Madison)
1813 1814 John Armstrong (under James Madison)
1814 1815 James Monroe (under James Madison)
1815 1816 William H. Crawford (under James Madison)
1817 1825 John C. Calhoun (under James Monroe)
1825 1828 James Barbour (under John Quincy Adams)
1828 1829 Peter Buell Porter (under John Quincy Adams)
1829 1831 John Henry Eaton (under Andrew Jackson)
1831 1836 Lewis Cass (under Andrew Jackson)
1837 1841 Joel Roberts Poinsett (under Martin Van Buren)
1841   John Bell (under William Henry Harrison and John Tyler)
1841 1843 John C. Spencer (under John Tyler)
1843 1844 James Madison Porter (under John Tyler)
1844 1845 William Wilkins (under John Tyler)
1845 1849 William L. Marcy (under James Knox Polk)
1849 1850 George Walker Crawford (under Zachary Taylor)
1850 1853 Charles Magill Conrad (under Millard Fillmore)
1853 1857 Jefferson Davis (under Franklin Pierce)
1857 1860 John Buchanan Floyd (under James Buchanan)
1861   Joseph Holt (under James Buchanan)
1861 1862 Simon Cameron (under Abraham Lincoln)
1862 1868 Edwin M. Stanton (under Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson)
1868 1869 John McAllister Schofield (under Andrew Johnson)
1869   John Aaron Rawlins (under Ulysses S. Grant)
1869   William T. Sherman (under Ulysses S. Grant)
1869 1876 William W. Belknap (under Ulysses S. Grant)
1876   Alphonso Taft (under Ulysses S. Grant)
1876 1877 J. Donald Cameron (under Ulysses S. Grant)
1877 1879 George Washington McCrary (under Rutherford B. Hayes)
1879 1881 Alexander Ramsey (under Rutherford B. Hayes)
1881 1885 Robert Todd Lincoln (under Chester A. Arthur)
1885 1880 William C. Endicott (under Grover Cleveland)
1889 1891 Redfield Proctor (under Benjamin Harrison)
1891 1893 Stephen B. Elkins (under Benjamin Harrison)
1893 1897 Daniel Scott Lamont (under Grover Cleveland)
1897 1899 Russell A. Alger (under William McKinley)
1899 1904 Elihu Root (under William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt)
1904 1908 William Howard Taft (under Theodore Roosevelt)
1908 1909 Luke Edward Wright (under Theodore Roosevelt)
1909 1911 Jacob M. Dickinson (under William Howard Taft)
1911 1913 Henry L. Stimson (under William Howard Taft)
1913 1916 Lindley M. Garrison (under Woodrow Wilson)
1916 1921 Newton D. Baker (under Woodrow Wilson)
1921 1925 John W. Weeks (under Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge)
1925 1929 Dwight F. Davis (under Calvin Coolidge)
1929   James W. Good (under Herbert Hoover)
1929 1933 Patrick J. Hurley (under Herbert Hoover)
1933 1936 George H. Dern (under Franklin D. Roosevelt)
1936 1940 Harry H. Woodring (under Franklin D. Roosevelt)
1940 1946 Henry L. Stimson (under Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman)
1945 1947 Robert P. Patterson (under Harry S. Truman)
1947   Kenneth C. Royall (under Harry S. Truman)

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