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UK Prime Minister


Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

Official Website:

4-Apr-1721 11-Feb-1742 Robert Walpole Whig
16-Feb-1742 2-Jul-1743 Spencer Compton Whig
27-Aug-1743 7-Mar-1754 Henry Pelham Whig
16-Mar-1754 16-Nov-1756 Thomas Pelham-Holles Whig
16-Nov-1756 25-Jun-1757 William Cavendish Whig
2-Jul-1757 26-May-1762 Thomas Pelham-Holles Whig
26-May-1762 16-Apr-1763 John Stuart, 3rd Earl of Bute Tory
16-Apr-1763 13-Jul-1765 George Grenville Whig
13-Jul-1765 30-Jul-1766 Charles Watson-Wentworth Whig
30-Jul-1766 14-Oct-1768 William Pitt the Elder Whig
14-Oct-1768 28-Jan-1770 Augustus Henry Fitzroy Whig
28-Jan-1770 22-Mar-1782 Frederick North Tory
27-Mar-1782 1-Jul-1782 Charles Watson-Wentworth Whig
4-Jul-1782 2-Apr-1783 William Petty Whig
2-Apr-1783 19-Dec-1783 William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck Coalition
19-Dec-1783 14-Mar-1801 William Pitt the Younger Tory
17-Mar-1801 10-May-1804 Henry Addington Tory
10-May-1804 23-Jan-1806 William Pitt the Younger Tory
11-Feb-1806 31-Mar-1807 William Wyndham Grenville Whig
31-Mar-1807 4-Oct-1809 William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck Tory
4-Oct-1809 11-May-1812 Spencer Perceval Tory
9-Jun-1812 10-Apr-1827 Robert Banks Jenkinson Tory
10-Apr-1827 8-Aug-1827 George Canning Tory
31-Aug-1827 22-Jan-1828 Frederick John Robinson Tory
22-Jan-1828 22-Nov-1830 Arthur Wellesley Tory
22-Nov-1830 16-Jul-1834 Charles Grey Whig
16-Jul-1834 17-Nov-1834 William Lamb Whig
17-Nov-1834 9-Dec-1834 Arthur Wellesley Conservative
10-Dec-1834 18-Apr-1835 Robert Peel Conservative
18-Apr-1835 30-Aug-1841 William Lamb Whig
30-Aug-1841 30-Jun-1846 Robert Peel Conservative
30-Jun-1846 23-Feb-1852 Lord John Russell Whig
23-Feb-1852 19-Dec-1852 Edward Geoffrey Smith Stanley Conservative
19-Dec-1852 6-Feb-1855 George Hamilton Gordon Peelite/Coalition
6-Feb-1855 20-Feb-1858 Lord Palmerston Whig
20-Feb-1858 12-Jun-1859 Edward Geoffrey Smith Stanley Conservative
12-Jun-1859 18-Oct-1865 Lord Palmerston Liberal
29-Oct-1865 28-Jun-1866 John Russell Liberal
28-Jun-1866 27-Feb-1868 Edward Geoffrey Smith Stanley Conservative
27-Feb-1868 3-Dec-1868 Benjamin Disraeli Conservative
3-Dec-1868 20-Feb-1874 William Ewart Gladstone Liberal
20-Feb-1874 23-Apr-1880 Benjamin Disraeli Conservative
23-Apr-1880 23-Jun-1885 William Ewart Gladstone Liberal
23-Jun-1885 1-Feb-1886 Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil Conservative
1-Feb-1886 25-Jul-1886 William Ewart Gladstone Liberal
3-Aug-1886 15-Aug-1892 Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil Conservative
15-Aug-1892 5-Mar-1894 William Ewart Gladstone Liberal
5-Mar-1894 25-Jun-1895 Archibald Philip Primrose Liberal
25-Jun-1895 12-Jul-1902 Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil Conservative/Unionist
12-Jul-1902 5-Dec-1905 Arthur Balfour Conservative/Unionist
5-Dec-1905 7-Apr-1908 Henry Campbell-Bannerman Liberal
7-Apr-1908 27-May-1915 Herbert Henry Asquith Liberal
27-May-1915 7-Dec-1916 Herbert Henry Asquith Liberal/Coalition
7-Dec-1916 23-Oct-1922 David Lloyd George National Liberal/Coalition
23-Oct-1922 22-May-1923 Andrew Bonar Law Conservative
22-May-1923 22-Jan-1924 Stanley Baldwin Conservative
22-Jan-1924 4-Nov-1924 Ramsay MacDonald Labour
4-Nov-1924 5-Jun-1929 Stanley Baldwin Conservative
5-Jun-1929 24-Aug-1931 Ramsay MacDonald Labour
24-Aug-1931 7-Jun-1935 Ramsay MacDonald National Labour/National Gov't
7-Jun-1935 28-May-1937 Stanley Baldwin Conservative/National Gov't
28-May-1937 10-May-1940 Neville Chamberlain Conservative/National Gov't
10-May-1940 23-May-1945 Winston Churchill Conservative/Coalition
23-May-1945 26-Jul-1945 Winston Churchill Conservative/Caretaker Gov't
26-Jul-1945 26-Oct-1951 Clement Attlee Labour
26-Oct-1951 6-Apr-1955 Winston Churchill Conservative
6-Apr-1955 10-Jan-1957 Anthony Eden Conservative
10-Jan-1957 19-Oct-1963 Harold Macmillan Conservative
19-Oct-1963 16-Oct-1964 Alec Douglas-Home Conservative
16-Oct-1964 19-Jun-1970 Harold Wilson Labour
19-Jun-1970 4-Mar-1974 Edward Heath Conservative
4-Mar-1974 5-Apr-1976 Harold Wilson Labour
5-Apr-1976 4-May-1979 James Callaghan Labour
4-May-1979 28-Nov-1990 Margaret Thatcher Conservative
28-Nov-1990 2-May-1997 John Major Conservative
2-May-1997 26-Jun-2007 Tony Blair Labour
26-Jun-2007 11-May-2010 Gordon Brown Labour
11-May-2010 13-Jul-2016 David Cameron Coalition
13-Jul-2016 -- Theresa May Conservative

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