3 Reviews
A magnificent prequel series that still holds up today and will never beat the Disney Plus series!
samog-9828917 November 2022
After re-watching this series more than once I'm going to do my best to keep this spoiler free of my thoughts, what I enjoyed most about the show and the final verdict! This prequel series was so much fun to watch from the beginning, middle and end! Sean Patrick Flanery brings the iconic hero of Indiana Jones to life originally played by the now 80-year-old Harrison Ford who is a charming and charismatic rogue we all know & love! My favourite part upon rewatching this TV show was seeing the grittiness and brutality of the great war during volume 2! Along the way, this younger version of our beloved childhood icon will meet historical figures from the 20th century played by so many celebrities who when you watch at a younger viewing you'll completely forget they were in this! Overall I had heaps of fun watching this series and in 2023 I look forward to rewatching it all over again that's why I'm giving Young Indiana Jones Chronicles a 7/10! Hope you like it just as much as I did!!! XD.
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With the heart of George Lucas - A Lovingly Crafted Adventure
DLochner13 July 2024
The series shines with its likable characters and self-contained episodes that capture the adventurous spirit George Lucas masterfully brought to the big screen. While the series doesn't achieve the same level of bombast as the films, that would be too much to expect from a TV production. Instead, it delivers a delightful mix of humor, action, and adventurous entanglements that are consistently entertaining.

A lovingly crafted series that also appeals to younger viewers. The first season offers an enjoyable journey through the early years of Henry "Indiana" Jones, before he became the legendary archaeologist we know from the movies.

Admittedly, not every episode in the first season is a hit, but the majority are engaging and captivating. It's a shame that more episodes weren't produced, as the series had the potential for many more exciting stories.

Overall, "The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles" is not a groundbreaking masterpiece, but that was likely never George Lucas's intention. The series offers a charming and entertaining addition to the well-known Indiana Jones films, told with great attention to detail and a heart for adventure.
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The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones a delight
lippylip266 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I will be honest here I am only on S1 E4 which actually the 8th episode in the series as each episode is 130 minutes long but basically split into two parts Deliberately done so the episodes can be shown as one episode or as two In each episode Indy along with his family travel the world meeting famous people of the past There's love, humor suspence adventure and a whole lot more It is a highly entertaining series on many accounts It shows how Indy became the person he did Why he hated his dad calling him Junior His growth into the man we love and respect Although i have only watched the 4 episodes i have actually found it a great learning experience because it is one of those shows that encourage one to research farther To me any book, series, or movie that will encourage you to read or research farther is good This series so far has done just that Whole watching the show o sometimes pausr to read up about the characters Indy meets up with At other times i do it at the end In one episode Indy meets Leon Tolstoy and for some odd reasobi decided to take a break and read up upon the man and I'm glad i did The reason being that in that particular episode Leon acts strangly Unless you have read up about him the scene where he refuses help while desperatly ill does not make sense (not a film fault but an actual quirk of Tolstoy and his feelings and hatred he had for the church Not reading the background story it does not explain why he did what he did So prior knowledge on this case enables the viewer to understand the situation better The episode when they went to Africa sadly turned my stomache because it relates to hunting animals - not to eat but for trophies and to me it made me feel sick to my stomach Ok it was a reality on those days but it caused me to lose respect for the people including the President roosefelt who did it with such gusto and glee As said i have only seen the first four episodes so will update this review later once i have seen more Just to conclude This is definitely a must watch series especially when Indy plays Denis the Menace and Kevin from home alone antics A good laugh.
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