Hooked (TV Series 2015– ) Poster

(2015– )

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Hard-hitting, edgy but well-acted Finish mini-series
canuckteach14 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Koukussa, aka 'Hooked', can be streamed on AcornTV, for the price of a membership. Acorn has dozens of European series, notably British.

'Hooked' involves a drug-cop, Oskari, in Finland who has a home, a full-time girlfriend, and a very bright, but delicate, son of 16. Out of the blue, the boy's mother, Krista(now mid 30's) shows up, apparently trying to re-connect. Krista has a shady 'hippie-lifestyle' kind of past, but the statute of limitations on her sundry drug charges has expired. So, she is a free agent, but her old boyfriend wants nothing to do with her. Particularly, he does not want 'their' son to know she even exists, and, naturally, is not anxious for his new gal pal to get familiar with his old love interest.

Krista carries on, however, scraping out a living working at a night club, and occasionally, boarding with an old friend, an aging drug partner, helping him move some 'product' for a small profit. In time, she is brought into contact with competitors in the drug trade, notably the odious 'Kode', whose brother-in-law has a ripening cocaine trade operating behind a respectable veneer.

Kode has designs on Krista, envying her easy-looks and seamless method of moving product, but Krista seems to want to go 'straight'. In time, though, she hooks up with her 'ex', Oskari to work as an informant, feeling that this will be her ticket OUT of the area and the drug trade.

Sadly, complications ensue on all fronts, impacting a potential drug bust, and the personal fortunes of all the main characters. There is a certain dark 'Greek tragedy' quality to most of these European crime series. So, if you want happy endings, rent a typical Hollywood rom-com, with its mandatory argument & break-up at the 75-minute mark, only to be resolved with happiness everywhere 15 minutes later. 'Hooked' is NOT for those who prefer light fare. It is a compelling but somewhat-gloomy story, with typically conflicted, complicated characters, and some graphic content you may prefer to fast-forward. If you like that sort of thing, try 'Hooked' (aka Koukussa - 2015).
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